Chapter 28 - Fragments Of Hope

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As Karl and Nick exit the room after spending approximately five minutes with George, I watch them with a sense of confusion. I furrow my brows and meet their gaze, confused by the unexpectedly short visit.

As I catch a glimpse of the unsettling expressions on Karl and Nick's faces, a wave of fear washes over me. Doubt creeps in, making me question whether I should gather the strength to enter the room and witness George's injuries. The thought of seeing him in pain becomes overwhelming, and I contemplate whether I can emotionally handle the presence.

"Anne," Nick calls her, his voice calm and reassuring. As George's mother looks up at him "Would you go with me to George's apartment? We can get his clothes and toothbrush for when he wakes up," Nick suggests, and Anne glances at me.

Gently nodding, I offer a reassuring smile to Anne. "Karl and I will stay here and keep you updated if anything changes," I assure her. Accepting the reassurance, she nods in return and rises from her seat.

After Nick and Anne leave, Karl takes a seat beside me, sensing my anxiety. He attempts to provide comfort "Before you go in to see George, just remember that he's strong and will make it through this," he says, hoping to ease my fears. However, his words intensify my anxiety, intensifying my concern for George.

I give a small nod and a faint smile before standing up and making my way to George's room. Placing my hand on the cool doorknob, I take a deep breath, preparing myself for what I'm about to see.

For a better experience, listen to this song: Last November - Machine Gun Kelly

As I step inside, my attention is immediately drawn to the bottom of the bed, where I catch sight of George's legs beneath the white hospital sheet. A rush of emotions surges through me, causing my heart to beat faster as I continue making my way further into the room.

My footsteps come to a stop as my gaze falls upon George, and tears instantly cascade down my face. A wave of overwhelming emotion engulfs me, leaving me feeling weak in the knees. A heavy weight settles in my chest as my heart sinks with sorrow.

As I look at George, tears continue to flow down my face uncontrollably. The sight before me is heart-wrenching. George's eyes are swollen from the trauma he has survived, and his left hand is badly burned and red. A brace around his neck supports his head, emphasizing the severity of his injuries. His face is pale and covered in bruises, and my heart breaks when I notice his lower lip bleeding. The weight of the scene overwhelms me, and I find it difficult to process the degree of his suffering.

He looks dead.

With trembling steps, I approach George and gently take his hand in mine. Tears continue to stream down my face as I gaze into his bruised and swollen face. Despite the overwhelming emotions, I manage a weak smile. "Georgie," I whisper, my voice fragile and shaky. "I'm sorry for leaving," I choke out, my voice breaking. Leaning down, I press a gentle kiss on his forehead, my love and regret pouring out in that moment.

"I'm so sorry, Georgie," I whisper, my voice filled with guilt. Deep down, I can't help but feel responsible for the situation. It weighs heavily on m, knowing that his involvement with alcohol may have been influenced by me. "I love you," I add, expressing my feelings amidst the sorrow. Taking a seat on a nearby chair, I hold onto his hand tightly, unwilling to let go

A bittersweet chuckle escapes my lips as memories of George and Patches, their bond and shared moments, flood my mind. "Patches misses you," I say, my voice laced with both sadness and fondness. Tears still streaming down my face, I whisper, "And so do I." Each breath I take feels heavy with the weight of my shattered heart, longing for the presence of George.

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