Chapter 3 - Unexpected Turns

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I slowly open my eyes, and I immediately regret it. The light is too bright, and my head is pounding. I try to sit up, but my body feels heavy, and I can't move. I take a deep breath and try to focus.

Where am I?

I look around the room, and it takes a moment for my eyes to adjust. It's a hotel room, and it's not familiar to me. Panic sets in as I try to piece together what happened last night. I remember the party, the drinking, and the dancing. But then everything goes blank. I try to remember more, but my head hurts too much.

Wait. What happened last night?

I shuffle in the king-sized bed, looking for my phone, confused.

Suddenly, a head pops up from behind the end of the bed frame. It's George. His bed hair makes me chuckle, and honestly, I'm happy to see a familiar face.

"George," I softly laugh at him, my voice raspy. "what happened yesterday and where is everyone?"

George mumbles, "Long version or the short?" as he sits up on the floor and rubs his eyes. I can now see him from the shoulders up.

"Short and an ibuprofen, please."

George points to the bedside table on my right, where a glass of water and an ibuprofen pill are waiting for me. I smile at the thought of him preparing it for me and quickly swallow the pill.

"So, to sum it up, you got blackout drunk, and when I said it was time to go home, you and Nick tried to ride your motorcycles. I didn't let you, so Wilbur and his band took Punz to his home since they were staying in a nearby hotel. Nick and Karl are in Tommy's hotel room, which has two beds, and you're here." George explains, gets up, and walks over to the floor mirror to fix his hair.

I gather my thoughts. And try to remember, but I can't. "What time is it?"

"It's..." he checks his phone "one pm."

My eyes widen, thinking I missed work, but then I remember that I don't have a job anymore.

"Clay! Open up!" Nick pounds on the hotel door, making George jump. "You're going to be late for work!" Nick frets, putting his hands on his head.

I explain, "Don't worry, I quit," feeling a little embarrassed but also proud of my progress towards streaming.

As George fumbles with his hair, my friend's eyes widen in excitement. He sits down beside me on the bed and asks, "Wait, does this mean you'll start streaming again?" I'm touched by his eagerness. He doesn't seem to care that I quit my job, he just wants me to stream again. It's a sweet reminder that I picked the right best friend.

I caution him, "Don't get too ahead of yourself." His face falls, and I feel a twinge of guilt. But then I add, "But yes, I'll try to start streaming again." His excitement returns in full force, and he jumps up and down on the bed like a little kid.

I can't help but laugh at his enthusiasm. It's been a while since I've felt this kind of excitement for streaming. I used to be so passionate about it. But seeing my friend so thrilled at the prospect of us streaming together again makes me feel like maybe it's worth giving it another shot. Maybe this will be the push I need to get back into streaming regularly. It won't be easy, but with my friend's support, I know I can do it.

Nick squeals with excitement and runs over to George, pulling him up to jump with him. They're both laughing and having a blast. It's been a long time since I've seen Nick so happy, and it makes me feel grateful for my friends and excited for the future.

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