Chapter 9 - The Haunting Past

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I open my eyes in my cozy bed. After nearly a month, I finally woke up in my bed. A smile appears on my face as I settle in even more comfortably beneath the warm blankets.

I glance at my phone and notice that the call with Clay has ended. A smile forms on my lips as I reminisce about our conversations from the previous night. Every time that I talk to him or that I'm reminded of him, I get a stinging sensation in my chest.

I'm so scared of Clay finding out who I really am. Every day since I've done it, I wish I could go back to the day I posted the tweet that made him end his career and just not do it.

I wish I could go back and just fucking stand up to my homophobic dad and admit that I in fact like boys and that either he accepts me for who I am or abandons me. I won't pretend to be someone I'm not anymore.

I'm the one who did it, no one else. Eventually, I'll have to take responsibility for my own actions. Whether I tell Clay or he discovers it somehow, I can't keep this burden inside me much longer. It's consuming me, and I don't know how longer I can bear it without telling someone.

Wilbur gently taps on my door and enters, wearing a warm smile. "Good morning," he greets me kindly. "I made you something to eat," he says.

I let out a chuckle and rub my eyes. "Thanks, I'll be down in five," I reply, and Wilbur nods at me with a gentle smile before closing the door.

I quickly check if Clay texted me and he did. Sixteen hours ago.

Wait how long was I asleep for?

I check the time and it's the next day, 4 pm.


Good morning.
You snore.
Text me when you wake up:)

I scroll down and there are more messages from him.


Are you ignoring me?

I would never ignore you, Clay. I literally just woke up. If that's how bears feel after hibernating, I don't wanna be a bear.
Also Good morning:)

I feel guilty because he thinks I'm ignoring him. I check the time and realize it's currently around 10 AM for him.

I climb out of bed and change into some decent clothes before making my way downstairs to the kitchen.

I find Wilbur sitting at the dining table, engrossed in his phone, with the table set and food prepared. I smile warmly at him and take a seat across from him.

He returns my smile and sets his phone aside, giving me his full attention.

"Mmm, that smells delicious," I remark, eyeing the rice, baked beans, and steak on the table. "I didn't realize I had so much food at home," I add with a hint of surprise.

"You didn't." he chuckles "I went to the store with the time I had. You were out like yesterday after we arrived and today basically the whole day."

"Ohhh," I say and press my lips together. "I'm still tired, though."

"Yeah, sometimes those long naps can leave you feeling more tired than refreshed. I can relate," He responds, and we begin to enjoy our meal together.

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