Chapter 6 - Bittersweet Farewells

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The loud alarm startles me awake, and instantly, I regret opening my eyes. In just a few hours, Tommy, Wilbur, and George will board their flight back to the UK. My heart sinks, and I quickly jump out of bed, knowing time is running out.

I put on a shirt and walk downstairs. It looks like everyone is still asleep. I go to the living room and see George sleeping on the couch. I smile a little and quickly grab a Polaroid camera from the shelf. I take a picture of him.

I suggested he sleeps in my bed, but he preferred the couch, which I found amusing. While the couch is comfortable, my bed is even more so.

I decide to let him sleep until the alarm goes off, so I head to the kitchen. Nick is sitting at the dining table, engrossed in his phone. He looks like he hasn't slept all night.

He doesn't seem to notice me, so I quietly sit next to him at the table. His tired eyes and messy appearance show that something's not right. We haven't really talked one-on-one since the night at the bar.

I lean in and ask, "Hey, are you alright?" worry takes over me. I want to know what's been bothering him, so I can help him.

He looks up at me, his eyes filled with tears, and my heart sinks. Without hesitation, I place my hand gently on his shoulder, offering comfort and support. He breaks down, letting out heavy sobs, and I instinctively pull him into a tight embrace, patting his back soothingly.

"What's wrong, Nick?" I ask, worried. He rarely cries, so something must be really wrong. We've been friends since we were eleven, and I've only seen him cry a few times.

"I-I just..." he stutters, his words choked by tears.

"It's okay, just take a deep breath. We'll get through this together," I reassure him, even though I don't know what happened.

"Georgieeee! Wake up!" Karl's voice echoes from upstairs, jolting George from his slumber on the couch.

Nick hastily wipes away his tears, and I walk over to the sink, filling a glass with water for him.

He whispers, "I'll tell you later," and I nod, setting the glass of water gently on the table before him.

I go to the living room, to distract anyone from going to the kitchen, giving Nick some time to collect his thoughts and calm down.

I see Karl playfully attacking George, tickling him relentlessly. George's laughter fills the room as Karl's quick fingers tickle his sides. George tries to escape, his face turning red from laughter and struggling to catch his breath.

"Leave my George alone!" I shout, rushing towards them. I grab Karl by the shoulders and pull him away from George, then playfully retaliate by tickling him just as he was tickling George. Laughter fills the room as we engage in a friendly tickle fight, enjoying the lighthearted moment.

"You bastard!" Karl shouts, pretending to be upset. Right then, Tommy sneaks up behind me and playfully smacks me on the head with a pillow. I stumble forward, acting surprised, and we all burst into laughter.

I'm knocked off Karl, and I quickly chase after Tommy. He dashes upstairs, heading for the guest room where Wilbur is staying. I pick up speed, determined to catch him before he reaches his destination.

I burst into the room, finding Wilbur in the midst of packing. "Good morning!" I greet him with a smile, slightly out of breath. "Where did Tommy go?" I inquire, and Wilbur points towards the area behind the left side of the bed.

I run as fast as I can to the bed and grab a pillow. I start hitting Tommy with it, and he keeps shouting, "I surrender!" multiple times until I stop.

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