Chapter 1 - Shattered Realities

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I emerge from the depths of my dream, drenched in cold sweat and with a throbbing ache in my head. The same nightmare has haunted me for weeks, a recurring vision I cannot escape. In it, I find myself in a small cottage deep in the heart of the forest, only to be pursued relentlessly by a wolf. The trees loom overhead, their branches swaying in the chilling wind. I don't really wanna think about that right now, though...

As I lay in bed, my heart pounding in my chest, I can't shake the feeling that something's wrong. The sweat on my skin feels cold and clammy, and a knot of fear twists in my stomach.

The room is silent except for the sound of my own breathing, which seems to echo in my ears. I try to close my eyes and calm my racing thoughts, but the nightmare keeps replaying in my mind like a broken record, each time more vivid and terrifying than the last.

The weight of my blanket is a comfort, a shield against the outside world. I snuggle deeper beneath it, seeking solace and escape from the haunting images. My heart beats an unusual rhythm. I don't want to leave my bed, I'm too scared to get up.

After what feels like an eternity, I give up on sleep and let out a frustrated groan. My fingers fumble in the darkness, searching for the LED lights remote. Finally, I find it tangled in blankets and hit the power button. Suddenly, the world doesn't seem so scary anymore.

Sapnap and I have been living in our new home for a month now. It's a sprawling four-bedroom, five-bathroom house. I haven't unpacked yet. The room is only furnished with my bed and a long desk with my streaming setup. The boxes piled up in the corner taunt me, every time I look at them, I remember that I have to unpack. For now, I'm not gonna bother with them.

There's no bedside table next to my bed, so my phone is charging on the ground next to it.

I reach down to grab my phone, but I'm suddenly gripped with fear that a monster under the bed might grab my hand and pull me into the abyss. With a deep breath and a surge of courage, I slowly extend my arm, retrieving the phone from the ground. I check my phone, only to find that it's completely dead.

I let out a sigh of frustration as I realize that the charger wasn't plugged in. "Stupid Apple chargers," I mumble under my breath, trying to blame the charger for my mistake.

Plugging in my phone, I finally muster the will to get out of bed. As I walk over to the window, I can feel the cool wooden floor beneath my feet. Opening the blinds, I let in the morning light. The room is bathed in a soft golden glow as the sun begins to rise, casting a rosy hue across the sky. The chirping of birds fills the air, the sound of nature awakening. I take a deep breath, inhaling the cool, crisp air. The mornings in Florida are never that satisfying. And since it's summer, I'm praying that today isn't going to be that hot.

Feeling more at ease, I decide to go see what Nick has been up to. He has been streaming all night, raising money for charity, but I don't know if he's still streaming.

I quietly walk up to his room and gently push the door open. The hinges creak softly, and I see him sitting at his desk, bathed in the soft glow of his monitor. His fingers dance across the keyboard with intensity, the clicks filling the quiet room.

"Hey, what are you doing?" I whisper-yell as I walk up to Nick, but he doesn't respond. His focus remains fixed on the screen. I furrow my brows, wondering why he's ignoring me.

As I get closer to Nick, I notice the expression on his face. It's a mask of sadness and fear. It's a look I recognize well - it's the same expression I have when I wake up from a nightmare, feeling both terrified and helpless.

"What the fuck happened, man?" I ask softly, placing my hand on his shoulder. The touch is meant to be comforting, a gesture of support.

Nick turns in his chair to face me, and the expression on his face sends shivers down my body. His eyes hold a mixture of frustration and resignation, a reflection of the battles we've fought on and off the screen.

"It's Twitter. You're getting cancelled again," he tells me, his voice laced with a somber tone. The words hang in the air, heavy with the weight of our shared experiences.

My heart sinks, and the world seems to blur around me. The non-stop hate and mean comments have messed with my head so much. It's like they've invaded my soul, making me doubt myself and wonder what the hell I'm even doing. The tears are right there, ready to burst out and ruin whatever's left of my already shaky state. I sit down on the bed.

Nick reaches out, a hand extending towards me in a gesture of solidarity. "Clay, listen to me," he says, his voice gentle yet firm. He rises from his gaming chair and sits next to me on the bed, the warmth of his presence offering comfort.

"We'll overcome this. You don't have to stream anymore. You can take all the time you need, even if you never stream again. No one is forcing you to. It's okay," he says, his words carrying a weight of understanding and acceptance.

I'm trying to collect my thoughts, but the overwhelming emotions still swirl within me, clouding my mind. "I feel like I need to go for a ride," I say, the words tumbling out before I can fully process them. Before I know it, I'm already making my way down the stairs towards the garage.

"You're not going alone. Either we're going together or you're not going at all," Sapnap says, stepping in front of me and blocking my way. His voice holds a mixture of concern and determination. "You're not in the right state to drive."

"I don't care, man," I say, reaching for the keys hanging on the wall and opening the door to the garage. The air feels heavy, just like the weight in my chest.

Sapnap's gaze softens, and he places a hand on my shoulder, his touch both comforting and grounding. "We're in this together, Clay."

I lower myself onto the seat of my sleek matte black Ninja Kawasaki and insert the keys. Nick follows suit with his bike. We secure our helmets in place and lock eyes for a moment. He nods and flashes me a reassuring smile before lowering his visor, ready to hit the road together.

We ride off to the highway.

It all just ends here.

Just because of a fucked up person, trying to ruin someone's life.


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