Chapter 8 - Unspoken Longings

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I open my eyes and find myself lying on a bed in a small wooden cabin surrounded by a forest. Instantly, I jump up and start packing my bag. I grab two water bottles, a sharp knife, and a strong rope, tossing them inside.

I hurry to put on my shoes and start running. I keep looking back to make sure the wolf isn't following me. Strangely, it doesn't chase after me for a long time. I feel a little bit happy, thinking that I've managed to outrun the wolf and that the nightmares are finally over.

As I continue running through the forest, I reach a small clearing with grass. To my surprise, I find the wolf lying on the grass, crying.

At first, I want to run, but the wolf's crying. It looks so vulnerable. I still want to run away and its not possible for me to, it's like there's an invisible wall. I can't help but feel curious and worried, so I decide to go closer instead, since the nightmare doesn't give me other options.

I choose to go closer to the wolf, and as I do, I notice it's injured. I try to check its fur to see how bad the wound is, but the wolf suddenly jumps at me, I gasp as i'm startled awake from the dream.

I take a deep breath, feeling startled, and my heart beats rapidly. I glance to my left and see Nick peacefully sleeping on the couch. I'm covered in sweat, and my throat is dry.

I cautiously rise from the couch, my heart still pounding, and make my way to the kitchen. With each step, I try to calm my racing heartbeat. I reach the sink and fill a glass with water, gulping it down to calm my thirst. I pour another glass, but this time I only take a few sips before pouring the rest down the drain.

I lean against the counter and take a few deep breaths, attempting to calm myself. As I reach into my pocket to grab my phone, my hand retrieves a polaroid picture instead.

When I gaze at the picture, a smile spreads across my face, and I can't help but feel a wave of happiness. It's a captured moment of me and George, the time I gave him the pink elephant. In the photo, his eyes gleam with excitement as he looks at the gift. As I shift my focus to myself, I notice how genuinely joyful I appear, with a wide, radiant smile I haven't seen on my face before.

I take out my phone and snap a picture of the polaroid, just in case something happens to it. I want to keep the memory safe, even if the physical photo gets lost or damaged.

Glancing at the clock, I notice it's four in the morning, indicating that George, Wilbur, and Tommy have arrived in the UK about an hour ago. I quickly check my phone and see a notification from George. A smile spreads across my face as I read the message.


We landed.

Are you home already?

Placing my phone on the counter, I take another moment to admire the photo. While I don't anticipate an immediate response from George, I suppose he might still be awake considering the time difference.


Just got here. Dropped off Tommy at his place, and now Wilbur's crashing at my house since he's exhausted, and I won't let him drive.
What's keeping you awake? Isn't it like 4 AM in Florida?

It is. I had a nightmare and now i can't sleep anymore.

You can call me if you want.

Nah, i know you're exhausted from the flight. Go to sleep.


Wow, someone's needy.🙄

I smile with anticipation as I prepare to speak with George and head up to my room. Plugging my phone in to charge, I cozy up in my sheets and navigate to George's contact. With a sense of excitement, I dial his number.

After a few rings, George answers the call, and my heart skips a beat in excitement.

"Hey," he says, his voice carrying hints of fatigue.

A gentle smile spreads across my face. "Hi," I say softly, matching the warmth in his tone.

"Is Nick sleeping?" George whispers and his raspy voice makes me feel things.

"Yup, he's knocked out on the couch," I reply in a hushed tone, a hint of excitement in my voice. The sound of George's raspy whisper sends a pleasant shiver down my spine, stirring up emotions within me.

"Techno is on my bedside table."

I smile. "Did you two survive the flight alright?"

"Yeah, we slept through almost the whole flight."

"And you still want to sleep now?"

"Shut up."

"When are you next coming to Florida?"

"You already miss me?"


"I have a lot on my plate this month," He explains. "My mom's birthday is coming up, so I need to help my dad plan a surprise party for her. Additionally, I have a video recording scheduled with Sam and Colby, and I'll be streaming quite a bit on the SMP with Tubbo and Tommy for some exciting lore."

"You schedule sounds pretty busy."

"Don't worry, Clay. I'll make time for you."

"You better."

We both chuckle.

"What kind of party are you gonna throw for your mom?"

We continue our conversation, discussing the details of George's mom's surprise birthday party and sharing stories about our busy schedules for the upcoming month. The hours fly by as we lose track of time, engrossed in our conversation, until eventually, we drift off to sleep in the middle of a conversation.

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