Chapter 27 - Awaiting Miracles

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We land in London and quickly unload our motorcycles from the jet. We're in a hurry to get to the hospital where George is, so we waste no time preparing to leave.

We rush inside the hospital and make our way to the reception. Before I can ask about George, Clay spots a crying woman sitting in the waiting room. He immediately runs over to her.

Karl and I swiftly approach Clay and the woman as they embrace. We stand nearby, listening to their conversation.

"Anne, how's George?" Clay asks, his voice filled with concern and on the verge of breaking.

"It's bad," she sobs, her tears flowing uncontrollably. Clay embraces her tightly, offering comfort as he gently strokes her back. "He's in surgery right now," she sniffles into Clay's shirt, seeking ease in his presence.

As they part from the embrace, Anne's gaze shifts towards us. "Karl and Nick, meet George's mom, Anne," Clay introduces her to us, his voice filled with a mix of sadness and strength. We both extend our arms and wrap them around Anne in a comforting hug, expressing our support and solidarity.

Her embrace is tight, conveying a mix of strength and vulnerability. As I gaze into her eyes, I notice the redness and swelling, evidence of the tears she has shed in worry. My heart aches for her.

We take a seat together, and Anne begins to share the details. "George went to Wilbur's and took his car. He was driving outside of London when, due to being intoxicated, he lost control and swerved off the road, tumbling down a hill." Her eyes well up with tears once more, and Clay instinctively places a comforting hand on her back, offering his silent support. I observe Clay, and it is clear that his love for George hasn't faded.

"The car caught fire," she manages to say between sobs, her voice quivering with pain. "His left hand is burned, he has broken ribs leading to internal bleeding, and he sustained a neck injury." The gravity of George's condition weighs heavily upon all of us, and a somber silence fills the room as we process the extent of his injuries.

I take a deep breath, trying to steady myself as the weight of the situation sinks in. The fear of losing George becomes overwhelming, and I can feel tears welling up in my eyes. The uncertainty of his fate hangs heavily in the air, casting a shadow over our hopes and leaving us clinging to a fragile thread of hope.

I watch Clay with a heavy heart, understanding the inner uneasiness he's going through. The strength he's trying to show is slowly crumbling, and I can see the vulnerability beneath the surface. I want to reach out and comfort him, to tell him it's okay to let his emotions out, but I know he's doing his best to hold it together for Anne's sake. It's a difficult position to be in, torn between his own pain and the need to support others.

Clay paces the waiting room, filled with a few early morning visitors, and asks Anne, "How long will the surgery take?"

"They said it will take about two hours, but he has already been there for three and a half," Anne cries, and I hug her from the side, hoping to bring her at least a little bit of comfort.

As Clay walks away, I quickly glance at Karl, signaling him with a look to stay here and be with Anne. Without hesitation, I rise and chase after Clay, determined to catch up with him.

"Excuse me!" Clay calls out, catching the attention of a passing nurse. She pauses and greets him with a smile. "Do you have any updates on George Davidson's surgery?" he inquires anxiously.

The nurse glances at the papers in her hands and sadly shakes her head. "I'm sorry, there's nothing."

"Well, when can we expect him to come out of surgery?" Clay asks, his tone growing more intense as he seeks answers.

"He should be out shortly," the nurse responds before excusing herself, likely needing to attend to other duties.

Clay turns towards me, taking a deep breath. I meet his gaze, recognizing the breaking point he's nearing.

Tears well up in Clay's eyes as he locks his gaze with mine. "What if he dies?" he cries out, and I feel my own tears forming. Shaking my head, I pull him into a tight embrace, offering what comfort I can in that moment.

"George is strong. He'll pull through," I say, my voice filled with hope as I try to reassure Clay, desperately wishing my words to be true.

The thought of losing George weighs heavily on my heart, and a deep sadness envelops me. My chest feels weighed down, and a pulsing headache begins to arise, reflecting the emotional stress I'm experiencing.

We gather ourselves, wiping the tears from our faces, and begin making our way back. Turning a corner towards the waiting room, our eyes widen as we spot a doctor approaching Anne and Karl. They both rise to their feet, and Clay and I rush toward them, eager for any news or updates.

Relief floods over us as the doctor delivers the news. "George's surgery was a success," the doctor reveals. "We realigned his fractured ribs and secured them with titanium plates. Although we can't predict the exact timing, he should regain consciousness within the next few days." The weight on our shoulders lightens, replaced by a glimmer of hope for George's recovery.

Anne's face brightens with a mixture of joy and tears, and she embraces Clay tightly, finding solace and gratitude in the positive news about George's surgery.

"When will we be able to see him?" I ask, seeking clarification from the doctor. His gaze shifts towards me, considering the question.

"In approximately ten minutes, once he is settled back in his room," the doctor explains kindly, offering a reassuring smile. Grateful for the information, I return the smile and nod in understanding.

"Thank you," I express my gratitude to the doctor as he nods and walks away.

When the ten minutes are up, Anne insists on entering the room by herself, declining Clay's offer to accompany her. She goes in with a sense of hope and happiness. However, when she comes out, she is visibly shaken, her eyes filled with tears.

We all gather around Anne, embracing her tightly, offering comfort and support. Clay assures us that he will stay with Anne while we take our turn and go see George.

With a heavy heart, Karl and I step into George's room, approaching his bedside. A wave of unease washes over me as I take in the sight of his condition, causing my stomach to twist.

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