Chapter 16 - Collided Worlds

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3 months later

As the crowd bustles around me, the multitude of British accents blending together, I frantically scan the faces, searching for George. My heart pounds with a mix of excitement and anxiety. The overwhelming feeling of not being able to find him begins to consume me, and I start to feel a sense of panic.

I feel a wave of relief wash over me as I spot the sign with my name held by George in the distance. A wide smile spreads across my face, and I quickly start making my way towards him, pushing through the bustling crowd.

The noise around me fades as our eyes meet, and without hesitation, we both start running towards each other. I weave through the crowd, careful not to bump into anyone, as he eagerly closes the distance between us by jumping into the hug.

I hold him tightly, cherishing the familiar warmth and comfort of his presence. It feels like no time has passed, and yet every moment we were apart felt like an eternity. I bury my face in his hair, inhaling deeply, savoring the scent that is uniquely him. It's a mixture of warmth, familiarity, and a hint of his favorite cologne. I never want to let him go.

I'm still holding him up, his legs wrapped around me. He smiles softly, his thumb gently caressing my cheek. There's a mixture of joy, longing, and relief in his eyes as he takes in every detail of my face. It's a silent exchange of emotions, a language that only we understand. In that moment, I feel an unbreakable connection between us, a bond that outweighs any distance or time apart. The love and devotion in his eyes reassure me that we're in this together, no matter the challenges that lie ahead.

"I can't believe you're actually here," he says with the biggest smile, his eyes filled with a spark of joy and excitement.

Before I can respond, he leans in and our lips meet in a passionate kiss. The sensation of his soft, inviting lips against mine sends a rush of warmth through my body, reminding me of all the times I longed for his touch.

"I love you, Georgie," I say softly, savoring the sweetness of those words on my lips. It's a joy to be able to express my love for him in person, rather than through a phone screen.

He wraps his arms tightly around me, grounding himself as he places his feet back on the ground. His gaze never wavers from mine, filled with affection and a sense of comfort.

"I love you, Clay." He responds, his voice filled with both joy and vulnerability.

My heart swells with warmth, and I can't help but tear up. It means the world to me to hear those words from him, and I cherish the depth of his feelings. He may not fully realize it, but his love holds a big significance in my life.

I pull him in for another hug. My tears slowly running down my cheeks. In this moment, all the distance and time apart melt away, replaced by an overwhelming sense of love and gratitude.

We get to the Uber since George doesn't have a car and doesn't know how to drive one. The Uber takes us to his apartment and when I enter I smile.

It looks exactly like what I imagined. It screams George and it's small. I like that it's small.

George takes me to his bedroom, and I put my suitcase there. I can't be bothered to unpack right now, but I have three weeks here, so I'll have plenty of time to do it later.

George gives me a tour of his apartment, and then we relax on the couch. I'm lying on his stomach, between his legs, with my head turned towards him.

"Are we still visiting your parents tomorrow?" I ask and George nods.

"My mum said that they bought a gift for you." He responds and I smile.

"Good thing I have a gift for them too," I say, proud of myself.

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