Chapter 68: Psychology

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Alannah quietly made her way outside, her senses heightened and on high alert. The cool night air brushed against her skin, sending a shiver down her spine. She looked around the dimly lit surroundings, trying to gather her bearings. The silence was broken by the sound of approaching footsteps, causing her heart to race even faster.

The night unfolded its mysterious embrace as Alana, guided by the cryptic message, ventured into the obscure rendezvous. The murmur of the wind whispered secrets, and the distant city sounds seemed muted, as if the night itself held its breath.

She stepped into the designated meeting place, her senses alert to the shadows that clung to the corners. The figures materialized, masked and enigmatic, their features shrouded in the darkness. A quiet tension hung in the air as she confronted the strangers.

"Who are you?" Alanna's voice, though tinged with apprehension, carried a note of determination. 

The strangers, their identities concealed, responded cryptically, "You don't need to know."

"What do you want from me?" Alanna's query echoed through the alley, but the strangers remained elusive. 

"You know what we want," one of them murmured. 

Alanna, frustration etching her features, retorted, "No, I don't. Tell me."

Their answer lingered in the night air, a sinister promise veiled in mystery. "We want you to join your parents." 

Alanna's eyes widened, the weight of their words settling like a heavy fog. "How do you know my parents?" she pressed, a glimmer of defiance cutting through her fear.

A sinister chuckle escaped from one of the masked figures. "You don't have to know that," he replied, the malevolence in their tone sending shivers down her spine. "You just have to know one thing—soon, you will be joining them. Why don't you ask them? They will tell you."

Alanna, caught in a web of uncertainty, gazed into the abyss of the masked strangers, the echoes of an unresolved past reverberating through the chilling confrontation.

Fear gripped her heart, and instinctively, she turned to run back, hoping to find safety in the ballroom.

However, her escape was abruptly halted as the men closed in on her, their strong hands gripping her arms tightly. Panic surged through her veins as she screamed and struggled against their hold, desperate to break free. But their grasp remained firm, rendering her efforts futile.

Just as despair threatened to consume her, a sudden commotion disrupted the tense atmosphere. Alannah's eyes widened in disbelief as she saw Adrian break free from the chaos, a mad expression etched across his face. In an instant, he pounced on one of the men, his strength and rage evident in every move.

"Run, go!" Adrian's voice boomed, filled with urgency and anger. Alannah hesitated for a moment, her fear and confusion overwhelming her senses, but the urgency in Adrian's voice pushed her to take action. She broke away from their grip and sprinted towards safety, her heart pounding in her chest.

However, her respite was short-lived as the other man swiftly caught up to her, his grip tightening around her wrist. Tears welled up in Alannah's eyes as her gaze met Nathaniel, who was now barreling towards them with a disappointed and pissed off expression. With a forceful push, Nathaniel separated Alannah from her assailant, his fist connecting with a resounding impact.

Alannah's trembling body sank to the ground, tears streaming down her face as the magnitude of the situation overwhelmed her. The panic she had been suppressing erupted into a full-blown attack, her breaths coming in short gasps as she struggled to regain control.

As Alannah succumbed to the overwhelming grip of her panic attack, her body convulsed with fear and her tears continued to stream down her face. Nathaniel's face etched with anger, held her tightly in his arms, desperately trying to provide comfort amidst his own frustration.

His heart raced with a mix of worry and fury. He couldn't shake the anger that coursed through his veins, fueled by the sight of Alannah in distress. Although his primary concern was her well-being, the anger lingered, threatening to consume him.

Nathaniel, his face etched with a mix of worry and anger, quietly approached Adrian. "Why didn't you keep her safe, Adrian? Isn't that what you're here for?"

Adrian, equally frustrated, shot back, "I did my best, Nathaniel. She went out before I could stop her. I didn't know what she was planning."

Nathaniel's gaze shifted from Adrian to the recovering Alana, who was attempting to compose herself. Sensing the tension, she stepped forward and spoke before Nathaniel could press Adrian further.

"Don't blame him, Nathaniel. It was my decision. I got a message, and I wanted to find out who's behind all this. I texted Adrian that I was going out to see who's there. He didn't know the details, but he did what he could to help."

Nathaniel, bewildered, looked at Alana. "What? You went out there on purpose? Why would you do that?"

Alana, her voice a mix of determination and vulnerability, explained, "I needed to draw them out, Nathaniel. They wanted me, not you or Adrian. It was a chance to get some answers, to face them."

Adrian chimed in, "It wasn't the safest plan, but she thought it was the only way. I didn't know you'd charge in like that."

Nathaniel, grappling with a surge of emotions, ran a hand through his hair. "This is too dangerous, Alana. You can't just put yourself at risk like that."

Alana met his gaze squarely, "I needed to know the truth, Nathaniel. For us. For my parents."

Nathaniel, torn between worry and understanding, sighed. "There has to be a better way, Alana. We can't keep taking these risks."

Alana nods, acknowledging the gravity of the situation. "I know, Nathaniel. But sometimes, you have to take risks to get the answers you're looking for."

Nathaniel, concern etching his features, asked Alana, "If you're so strong, capable of being a bait, why did you have a panic attack? Why were you crying?"

Alana, shooting him a puzzled look, retorted, "Nathaniel, being strong doesn't mean I'm immune to fear or panic. Are you reading a psychology book from the last century? Or are you reading psychology quotes from Google? People can be strong and still feel."

Nathaniel, momentarily taken aback, tried to find the right words, but Alana cut him off, "Don't act like you understand everything about me, Nathaniel. I'm not a robot. I can be strong and vulnerable at the same time."

Adrian, sensing the tension, stifled a laugh, earning a glare from Nathaniel. Alannah, unimpressed, continued to hold Nathaniel's gaze, challenging him to comprehend the complexity of her emotions.

Nathaniel, shaking his head in disappointment, turned to Adrian. "You, put those men in interrogation. Find out why they wanted Alannah, what they know about her parents, get every detail."

Adrian, with a nod, replied, "Roger, boss." He understood the gravity of the situation and was determined to extract the necessary information.

Curiosity gleaming in his eyes, Adrian asked, "Where are you going?"

Nathaniel, with a touch of sarcasm, replied, "I'm going to read a psychology book from this century, educate myself." He turned to Alannah, "Are you coming?"

Alannah, with an eye roll, retorted, "I've read enough psychology books. I'll pass."

Nathaniel, unfazed, asked, "Are you coming home with me?"

Alannah sighed, "Sure, what other option do I have?" The tension lingered, a complex interplay of emotions swirling in the aftermath of the night's events.

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