Chapter 55: Revelations

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Nathaniel and Alannah found themselves engaged in a lighthearted argument about where Nathaniel should stay during his recovery. Alannah insisted that he should come to her apartment, while Nathaniel insisted on returning to his own place.

"You should come to my apartment, Nate. It's more comfortable, and I can take care of you better," Alannah reasoned, a hint of determination in her voice.

Nathaniel, however, was adamant about going back to his own bed. He smirked and teasingly retorted, "You know, Alannah, your bed is way too small for me. I need my space."

Alannah gasped playfully, her eyes widening. "That's because you're a giant," she exclaimed, trying to hide her amusement.

Nathaniel shrugged with a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Well, what can we do about it? I am a giant."

Rolling her eyes, Alannah decided to compromise. "Fine, if you want to go to your apartment, I'm coming with you. We'll figure out a way to make it work."

A spark of excitement lit up Nathaniel's expression. "You're going to live with me?" he asked, unable to hide his delight.

Alannah nodded, a soft smile gracing her lips. "At least until you're fully recovered. I'll be there to take care of you."

Nathaniel leaned in closer, his voice barely a whisper as he gently held her. "Why don't you stay with me forever then?" he murmured, a playful glimmer in his eyes.

Caught off guard by his words, Alannah gasped, her cheeks flushing. She quickly moved back, playfully swatting his arm. "Oh, you think you're smooth, don't you?"

Nathaniel chuckled, his gaze filled with affection. "Maybe I am, just a little."


It's been three days since Nathaniel was in hospital. He just got discharged and they came to his apartment. As Alannah made Nathaniel's bed as comfortable as possible, fluffing his pillow and adjusting the blankets, she noticed a smile playing on his lips. Curiosity got the better of her, and she looked at him with a raised eyebrow. "What's with that smile?" she asked, her tone playful.

Nathaniel's eyes twinkled with affection as he gazed at her. "I just can't help it. I want to wake up to this view every day," he replied, his voice filled with warmth.

Alannah shook her head, her cheeks tinged with a blush. "You're such a charmer," she whispered, a soft smile gracing her face.

However, their quiet moment was interrupted by a knock on Nathaniel's apartment door. Both Alannah and Nathaniel exchanged glances, their curiosity piqued. Alannah moved to go and answer the door, but Nathaniel gently stopped her, determination etched on his face. He steadied himself with the support of the wall and insisted on checking who it was.

Concerned for his well-being, Alannah frowned and protested, "No, Nate. You're in no condition to do that. Let me see who it is."

Ignoring her pleas, Nathaniel slowly made his way towards the door, leaning on the wall for support. Alannah reluctantly followed, her worry evident.

Just as Alannah reached the door, about to open it, Nathaniel's apartment door swung open, and Adrian's voice boomed through the entrance. Alannah stepped back, allowing Adrian to enter, his attention absorbed by his phone. Unaware of his surroundings, Adrian collided with Nathaniel, causing him to groan in pain from the sudden impact.

Alannah hurriedly rushed to Nathaniel's side, placing a gentle hand on his arm. "Are you okay?" she asked, her voice filled with concern.

Nathaniel winced but managed a weak smile. "I'm fine, just a little sore. It seems I'm not the only clumsy one around here," he said, glancing at Adrian with a hint of amusement.

Adrian, realizing his mistake, looked sheepish and apologized profusely. "Sorry, Nate. I didn't see you there. Are you alright?"

Nathaniel waved off his concerns. "Don't worry about it. Just be careful next time," he replied, his tone laced with a mix of amusement and mild annoyance.

Alannah couldn't help but chuckle at the situation. "Well, at least no one got seriously hurt," she remarked, grateful that the collision hadn't caused any further harm.

Adrian looked at Alannah, "I found something."

Adrian's serious expression caught Alannah and Nathaniel's attention, both curious about the promise he mentioned. Nathaniel furrowed his brow and asked Alannah, "What is he talking about?"

Alannah smiled weakly, her gaze shifting between Nathaniel and Adrian. She motioned for them to join her on the couch, needing a moment to explain. They sat down together, a mixture of anticipation and apprehension in the air.

Taking a deep breath, Alannah began recounting what Adrian had discovered about her parents' tragic fate. Nathaniel's eyes widened in shock as the pieces of the puzzle started to fall into place. "Why didn't you tell me?" he asked, his voice filled with a mix of concern and frustration.

Alannah's smile faded, and she met Nathaniel's gaze earnestly. "I didn't want you to feel burdened or stressed out. I wanted to protect you," she explained softly.

Nathaniel let out a groan, his tone filled with exasperation. "Alannah, you don't get to decide what I can handle or not. I care about you, and I want to know everything about you, even the difficult parts. We're in this together."

Alannah nodded, understanding his perspective. She knew that he deserved the truth and had the right to make his own decisions. "You're right, Nate. I'm sorry for keeping it from you," she whispered, her voice tinged with regret.

Before their conversation could continue further, Adrian interjected, his voice filled with a mixture of concern and determination. Taking a deep breath, Adrian hesitantly spoke up, "I found something else... Alannah's parents, their murder... it was linked to a gang."

Nathaniel's eyes widened in shock, and he asked, "Wh-which gang? What are you saying?"

Adrian took a moment to compose himself, his gaze shifting between Alannah and Nathaniel. "It was Salvatore's gang, Nathaniel. Your father's gang," he revealed, his voice filled with a mix of disbelief and horror.

Nathaniel's jaw dropped, his mind struggling to process the shocking revelation. "No... no, that can't be true. I didn't know... I didn't know anything. I never thought Alannah's parents' murder could be linked to the gang I am part of," he whispered, his voice filled with a sense of disbelief and guilt.

Alannah's eyes filled with tears, her hands covering her mouth as she tried to comprehend the gravity of the revelation. "Gang... my parents...involved with the same gang that Nathaniel's father led?" she murmured, her voice choked with emotions.

Adrian nodded sadly, his gaze filled with empathy. "I didn't uncover all the details, but it seems like someone wanted to conceal the truth. It's a painful revelation, but we need to face it together."

Nathaniel's expression hardened, a mix of determination and sorrow etched on his face. He reached out to Alannah, offering her a reassuring touch. "Alannah, I'm so sorry for what happened to your parents. We'll find out the truth, no matter how difficult it is. I'll do everything in my power to protect you," he vowed, his voice filled with determination.

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