Chapter 62: Romantic Thriller

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After Nathaniel finished getting ready for work, Alannah let out a sigh, realizing that she too needed to return to her own apartment and attend to her duties at the hotel. But as she mentioned her plans, Nathaniel looked at her with a bewildered expression, as if she had said something completely nonsensical.

"Why do you want to go to the hotel?" he asked, his tone laced with a hint of disapproval.

Alannah furrowed her eyebrows, slightly taken aback. "Because that's my job," she replied, her voice tinged with confusion.

Nathaniel rolled his eyes, a hint of annoyance in his voice. "Not now. When you're feeling better, then you can go," he declared, as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.

Alannah squinted her eyes at him, ready to protest, but before she could speak, Nathaniel interrupted her. "No, you don't need to worry about paying bills or going to work right now. I'm your boss, and I'm giving you a week off. Take it, or else I'll fire you," he stated firmly.

Alannah gasped, her mouth hanging open in disbelief. She couldn't believe he was threatening to fire her. With a mix of surprise and frustration, she grabbed a nearby cushion and playfully hurled it in Nathaniel's direction. "How dare you fire me?" she exclaimed, her tone filled with mock outrage.

Nathaniel chuckled, clearly amused by her reaction. "Oh, but I can," he replied with a teasing smirk, enjoying their playful banter.

Alannah let out a defeated sigh, realizing that arguing with him was futile. "Fine," she grumbled, resigning herself to his decision. "But I'll be bored."

Nathaniel's gaze softened, and he approached her, pressing a gentle kiss on her forehead. "I'll try to come home early, and then we can spend some time together. Until then, you can indulge in a few murder documentaries," he suggested, a playful glimmer in his eyes.

Alannah couldn't help but chuckle at his remark. "Oh yeah, maybe I can plan your murder while I'm at it," she quipped, a mischievous smile playing on her lips.

Nathaniel mockingly gasped, pretending to be shocked. "Oh no, are you plotting against me?" he asked, feigning concern.

Alannah grinned and nodded. "Yes, I just might," she replied, her tone filled with playful intent.

Without another word, Nathaniel leaned in and kissed her on the lips, his touch conveying both affection and a hint of desire. In a soft whisper, he assured her, "You can give me a thousand deaths, and I wouldn't mind."


As Nathaniel entered his office, he was taken aback to find Adrian comfortably seated in his chair, wearing a mischievous grin. Annoyance flickered across Nathaniel's face as he shook his head, clearly unimpressed by Adrian's audacity.

"Get out of my chair," Nathaniel demanded, his voice laced with irritation.

Adrian simply raised an eyebrow and continued to smirk. "Oh, but doesn't this chair suit me perfectly? Just like this office," he remarked, his tone dripping with playful arrogance.

Reluctantly, Nathaniel slouched onto another chair, not in the mood for arguing. "Fine, have it your way," he muttered dismissively.

Nathaniel couldn't help but notice the meek expression on Adrian's face, which was quite unusual for his usually confident and flamboyant demeanor. Sensing something serious, Nathaniel decided to inquire about any progress regarding the investigation into what had happened to Alannah.

"So, did you find anything about what happened to Alannah?" Nathaniel asked, his voice filled with concern.

Adrian's expression turned serious, a stark contrast to his earlier playful demeanor. He nodded solemnly. "No, I haven't found anything concrete yet. But I did discover something unsettling. It seems that someone was tailing Alannah," he revealed, his voice tinged with a hint of worry.

Nathaniel's confusion deepened. He had assumed that it was someone with a vendetta against him or his enemies, but it appeared that the situation was more complex than he had anticipated.

"Who could be behind this?" Nathaniel asked, his brow furrowing in frustration. "I thought it was someone with a grudge against me, but it seems like it's someone else entirely."

Adrian's gaze met Nathaniel's, and he nodded in agreement. "Exactly. It's like chasing a ghost. There are no leads, no traces. Whoever is responsible is exceptionally skilled at remaining hidden," he explained, his voice laced with a mixture of frustration and determination.

Nathaniel leaned back in his chair, his mind racing with possibilities. He realized that he would need to delve deeper into this mystery to ensure Alannah's safety and unravel the truth behind the incidents. It was clear that the situation was far more complicated than he had initially assumed, and he couldn't afford to underestimate the unknown forces at play.

"What if this is all related to Alannah's parents murder?"

As Adrian abruptly interjected with his theory, Nathaniel's eyes widened in surprise. He struggled to comprehend the possibility that Alannah's parents' murder could be connected to the current threats she was facing. He furrowed his brow and looked at Adrian, his voice filled with genuine confusion.

"But why now?" Nathaniel questioned, his tone laden with concern. "Alannah seemed fine before. I don't think anything like this has happened to her."

Adrian paused for a moment, deep in thought, before offering a plausible explanation. "Perhaps it's because of you, Nathaniel," he suggested. "Her growing closeness to you might have triggered certain events. Remember, her parents' murders are linked to your father's gang."

Nathaniel's eyes widened further as the weight of Adrian's words sank in. He considered the possibility that his own presence in Alannah's life had inadvertently placed her in danger. A mix of guilt and concern washed over him, and he whispered, almost to himself, "Should I leave Alannah to keep her safe?"

Adrian let out an exasperated sigh, pinching the bridge of his nose as he tried to contain his frustration. He got up from his chair and tapped Nathaniel lightly on the forehead, hoping to get through to him.

"This isn't a romantic thriller where you can simply leave the girl for her own safety," Adrian admonished, his voice tinged with exasperation. "Even if you were to leave her, she would still be in danger. But with you, Nathaniel, she has a better chance of staying safe."

Nathaniel's expression shifted from confusion to contemplation as he absorbed Adrian's words. He realized the truth in them and reluctantly nodded in agreement. He couldn't simply walk away from Alannah, knowing that she would still be at risk. Instead, he had to face the danger head-on, using his resources and skills to protect her and unravel the mysteries surrounding her past.

Nathaniel's mind raced as he shared the revelation with Adrian. Alannah had witnessed her parents' killers—an unsettling truth that only added to the complexity of their situation. He looked at Adrian with determination in his eyes and a steely resolve in his voice.

"We need to dig deeper, Adrian," Nathaniel declared. "If the police were involved in manipulating the events surrounding Alannah's parents' murder, it means we're dealing with someone powerful, someone with influence. We need to focus our investigation on that specific year, meticulously combing through records of the gang and everyone associated with it. We're looking for a formidable and dangerous couple who could orchestrate such a heinous act."

Adrian nodded in agreement, his expression growing serious. The gravity of the situation settled upon them both, and they understood the magnitude of the challenge ahead. They would have to navigate treacherous waters, unveiling secrets that had been carefully hidden for years. The road to justice would be arduous, but Nathaniel and Adrian were determined to see it through.

With unwavering determination, they set out on their quest, determined to uncover the truth and bring justice to Alannah and her family. They knew it would require courage, resourcefulness, and a relentless pursuit of the answers they sought. Together, they would unravel the web of deceit and finally unveil the powerful couple behind the tragic events that had shattered Alannah's life.

As the investigation unfolded, Nathaniel and Adrian delved into the depths of Alannah's past, unearthing long-buried secrets and untangling the intricate threads of a twisted conspiracy. With each piece of information they uncovered, they grew closer to the truth, inching their way towards the powerful couple who had orchestrated the devastating crime.

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