Chapter 44: Promise

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Nathaniel's heart pounded in his chest as he watched Alannah walk briskly through the busy streets, tears streaming down her face. Panic surged through him, and he knew he had to catch up to her. He called out her name, desperation lacing his voice.

"Alannah! Please, wait!"

But she didn't stop. Ignoring his pleas, she quickened her pace, determined to put distance between them. Nathaniel's heart sank, realizing the depth of her hurt and the weight of their argument.

He started to run, weaving through the bustling crowd, desperately trying to reach her. "Alannah, please, just listen!"

As he closed the gap between them, Nathaniel reached out and gently grabbed her arm, causing her to halt reluctantly. Tears continued to roll down her cheeks as she turned to face him, her expression a mix of anger, sadness, and confusion.

"What do you want, Nathaniel?" she choked out, her voice trembling with emotion.

He struggled to find the right words, his own tears welling up. "I'm sorry, Alannah. I never meant to hurt you like this. I didn't realize how much my words would affect you."

Alannah's shoulders shook as she tried to control her sobs. "You said things you can't take back."

Alannah turned and started walking away, her shoes held loosely in her hands. Nathaniel's heart pounded, and he sprinted after her, desperately calling out to her.

"Alannah, please stop! You don't know the way around here. Where are you going?"

She continued to walk, tears streaming down her face, her voice trembling with sadness. "I just need to be alone, Nathaniel. I need some space to think."

Nathaniel's panic intensified. He couldn't bear the thought of her being lost and disoriented in an unfamiliar place. He caught up to her and gently grasped her arm, urging her to pause.

"Alannah, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you. Let me help you. We can find a quiet place to sit and talk."

Alannah's breathing hitched as she struggled to regain composure. "I... I don't want to talk right now. I just need some time to process everything."

Nathaniel's voice quivered with concern. "I understand you need space, but please, let me at least guide you back home. It's not safe for you to be alone on the streets."

Alannah hesitated, her grip on her shoes tightening. She turned her face towards him, her sightless eyes filled with a mixture of anger and hurt. "Fine, take me home. But don't think this changes anything. I still need time to figure things out."

Nathaniel nodded, his voice filled with sincerity. "I respect that, Alannah. We'll take things at your pace. Let's go back to my apartment."

Alannah yelled. "No. I don't want to go back to your apartment."

Nathaniel sighed, "please, just come for once. Let me get my keys. I will drop you off."

He gently guided her, leading her back towards the apartment building. The walk was silent, the weight of their disagreement hanging heavily in the air. Alannah's steps were unsteady, her mind consumed with a whirlwind of emotions.

Nathaniel took a deep breath, his voice filled with remorse as he looked into Alannah's tear-stricken face. As they reached his apartment, he reached out to gently wipe away her tears, his touch delicate and full of regret.

"Alannah, I am so sorry. I can't express enough how truly sorry I am for what I said. It was thoughtless and hurtful, and I didn't mean a single word of it. You are strong, incredibly strong, and you have proven that time and time again."

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