Chapter 38: Reunion

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Amy, fuelled by the excitement of the night and a few drinks, turned to Alannah with a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Alannah, my dear, it's time to face your fears and make that call. Let's give Nathaniel a surprise he won't forget!"

Alannah gasped and shook her head, "no, Amelia."

Amy cooed Alannah's face and shook her from shoulders, "Alannah you need to do it, or else, I will bash your head on this wall and kill you right on this spot."

Alannah sighed but couldn't help but be swept up in Amy's enthusiasm. "Fine, I'll do it. But don't expect anything grand."

She picked up her phone and dialed Nathaniel's number. As the call connected, Nathaniel's desperate voice sounded on the other end of the line, "Hello?"

Alannah smirked mischievously. "Well, well, Nathaniel. I never thought I'd see the day you'd pick up on the first ring. Desperate much?"

Nathaniel's confusion was evident in his voice. "Alannah? What's going on? Are you okay? Is everything okay with you?"

Amy, unable to contain her excitement, whispered loudly to Alannah, "aww, he is worried for you," she shrieked, "Tell him you're not scared of him, be it mafia or gangsta!"

Alannah rolled her eyes at Amy's antics but decided to go along with it. "Nathaniel, just so you know, I'm not scared of you, whether you're a mafia leader or a gangsta. You might be intimidating to others, but I can even punch you on your nose. Although I know I would have to ask you to tell me where your nose is first."

There was a moment of silence on the other end, followed by Nathaniel's quiet laughter. "Alannah, are your drunk?"

Alannah clicked her tongue, "no? Why would I be?"

Amy whispered triumphantly, "See, Alannah? That wasn't so bad!"

Alannah couldn't help but smile, feeling a sense of liberation in finally expressing her thoughts to Nathaniel. "Alright, Nathaniel, you got your surprise call for the day. Don't get used to it."

As Alannah was about to end the call, Nathaniel quickly interjected, "Wait, don't hang up just yet. I need to make sure you're alright."

Amy grabbed the phone from Alannah and put on a mock serious voice. "Listen here, Mr. Mafia, I don't care who you are. But let me tell you one thing. If you dare to hurt Alannah, I'll personally come over there, stick my hand down your throat, and use your tongue as a tie to hang you. Got it?"

Alannah couldn't help but burst into laughter at Amy's fierce and comical threat. Nathaniel, taken aback by the unexpected turn of events, couldn't help but chuckle as well.

"Alright," Nathaniel replied, still trying to contain his amusement. "I understand the severity of the situation. Rest assured, I have no intention of hurting Alannah. She means the world to me."

As the call with Nathaniel came to an end, Amy stretched her arms and plopped down on the floor dramatically. "Oh, Alannah, I can't handle all this excitement! I need to lay down and contemplate my life choices."

Alannah chuckled at Amy's theatrics. "Alright, drama queen. You rest there and have your existential crisis on the floor. I'll be right back."

Alannah stood up and walked a few steps away, pulling out her phone once again. With a mischievous grin, she dialed Nathaniel's number, eager to continue their conversation.

Nathaniel answered on the first ring, a hint of curiosity in his voice. "Alannah? You couldn't resist calling me back, could you?"

Alannah playfully retorted, "Oh, Nathaniel, don't flatter yourself too much. I just wanted to make sure you survived Amy's tongue-tying threats."

Nathaniel chuckled, the sound soothing to Alannah's ears. "Well, I managed to survive. Though I must admit, I'm impressed by her creativity. So, what can I do for you, my brave-hearted blind beauty?"

Alannah hastily slipped on her shoes, she kept the phone pressed against her ear, her heart pounding with anticipation. "Nathaniel, I can't wait any longer. I want to see you right now. I'm coming over," she declared, determination resonating in her voice.

But before Nathaniel could respond, Alannah abruptly ended the call, leaving him bewildered and shouting into the now silent phone, "Wait, Alannah, don't hang up! How are you even going to find my place? You don't even know my address!"

A mix of excitement and worry fueled Alannah's actions as she raced out of her apartment. She knew she was taking a leap of faith, driven by her strong desire to be with Nathaniel. Despite not knowing his address, she was determined to find him, even if it meant embarking on a thrilling and slightly risky adventure.

Meanwhile, Nathaniel's mind raced as he processed Alannah's impulsive decision. He couldn't believe she had hung up and was on her way to find him. Concern for her safety quickly replaced his initial confusion. He knew he had to act fast.

Without a second thought, Nathaniel dashed out of his own apartment, his mind focused on finding Alannah before anything untoward happened. He pondered how she might track him down, hoping she hadn't embarked on a wild goose chase.

As Nathaniel hurriedly drove towards Alannah's apartment, his heart pounding with a mix of concern and determination, he suddenly caught sight of her walking along the side of the road. His eyes widened in surprise, and he made a split-second decision to park his car and approach her cautiously on foot, wanting to ensure her safety.

Carefully and quietly, Nathaniel followed behind Alannah, keeping a respectful distance. However, as fate would have it, Alannah, unaware of his presence, sensed someone nearby and instinctively reached for a nearby rock. Without a second thought, she threw it in his direction, aiming to protect herself.

The rock flew through the air, but Nathaniel, quick to react, managed to dodge it, his heart pounding with a mix of surprise and concern for Alannah's well-being. Realizing the misunderstanding, he called out her name, his voice filled with urgency and relief.

"Alannah! It's me, Nathaniel!" he exclaimed, trying to catch her attention and prevent any further confusion.

A car screeched to a halt beside her, and Nathaniel emerged with a mix of worry and anger etched across his face. "Alannah, what were you thinking? It's dangerous to wander the streets alone like this, especially at night!"

Alannah, feeling the effects of the alcohol, "You sound cute when you're mad," she slurred, a faint smile tugging at the corners of her lips.

Nathaniel sighed, shaking his head in disbelief. "This isn't a joke, Alannah. I care about you, and I don't want anything to happen to you. You need to be more careful."

Tears welled up in Alannah's eyes as a surge of emotions overwhelmed her. "No, you dont. Nobody cares," she muttered, her voice filled with sadness and frustration. "Especially you."

Nathaniel's stern expression softened, and he stepped closer, his voice filled with sincerity. "I care, Alannah. I may not always express it in the right way, but I care deeply about you. I don't want to see you hurt."

Alannah turned away, her tears flowing freely. She began to walk in the opposite direction, desperate to escape her pain. But Nathaniel, fueled by his love for her, chased after her and caught hold of her hand, his grip firm yet gentle.

"Where are you going?" he asked, his voice laced with concern.

"I'm running away from you," Alannah choked out between sobs, her heart torn between love and the fear of being hurt again.

Nathaniel's laughter, a mix of relief and disbelief, cut through the night air. "Running from me? That's impossible, Alannah. You're stuck with me, whether you like it or not."

Alannah protested, attempting to free herself from his grasp, but Nathaniel effortlessly scooped her up in his arms, cradling her like a fragile treasure. She protested once more, her voice weak but filled with a tinge of surrender.

As he held her close, Nathaniel felt the steady rhythm of her heartbeat against his chest. Alannah's protests subsided, and her hand found its way to rest against his chest, a silent gesture of trust.

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