Chapter 27: Care

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Alannah woke up with a slight grogginess, feeling a bit tired from having slept in the armchair all night. She stretched her limbs and rubbed her eyes, trying to shake off the remnants of sleep. As she regained her bearings, a thought crossed her mind—Nathaniel.

Quietly, Alannah made her way across the room, her arms outstretched in front of her as she relied on her sense of touch and memory to navigate. She moved cautiously, feeling the familiar textures and contours of the furniture, until her hands came into contact with the edge of the couch.

With delicate movements, Alannah began to explore the surface of the couch, her fingertips gliding over the fabric, searching for any sign of Nathaniel. She traced the imprints left by his presence, her touch seeking the warmth that he often exuded. In the stillness of the morning, her heart yearned for his reassuring presence.

Her hands continued their gentle exploration, skimming across the cushions, until they finally encountered a bundle of blankets. Alannah's fingers traced the outline of the bundle, recognizing the familiar shape. A smile tugged at her lips as she realized that Nathaniel was still there, wrapped up in his own cocoon of slumber.

With great care, Alannah sat down on the edge of the couch, mindful not to disturb his peaceful rest. She marveled at the quiet strength he possessed, even in his vulnerable state. There was a sense of comfort in knowing that they shared this space, even if it was in silence.

As Alannah's fingers brushed against Nathaniel's arm, she felt a strange sensation—a gentle pressure and a softness that wasn't typical of bare skin. Her brows furrowed in confusion, and her fingertips continued to explore, tracing the unfamiliar texture.

To her surprise, her touch met with bandages, wrapping around Nathaniel's arm. The realization sent a jolt of concern through her. How had he gotten injured? Why hadn't he mentioned it to her? Her mind raced with questions, but without the visual cues to guide her, she could only rely on her sense of touch to uncover the truth.

Curiosity propelled her further, and her fingers gingerly moved to Nathaniel's forehead. There, she encountered another unexpected obstacle—a small band-aid. Alannah's eyebrows furrowed even deeper, her fingers carefully examining the bandage, trying to piece together the puzzle before her.

In her mind, she retraced the events leading up to this moment. Had he mentioned any injuries? Was there something she had missed? Alannah couldn't recall any conversations about his wounds, leaving her perplexed and slightly worried.

Gently, she pressed her hand against his forehead, confirming her suspicions. His temperature was elevated, and she could sense the discomfort he must be experiencing. Without hesitation, Alannah's mind started racing, contemplating what she could do to help alleviate his symptoms.

Although she couldn't see, Alannah had become adept at navigating her surroundings and taking care of herself. But now, her focus shifted to Nathaniel's well-being. She knew she had to act swiftly to provide him with the care he needed.

With practiced movements, Alannah rose from her seat and made her way to the kitchen. She knew exactly where her first-aid supplies were kept. Retrieving a cool damp cloth and a glass of water, she returned to Nathaniel's side.

Carefully, she placed the cool cloth on his forehead, offering some relief from the feverish heat. She gently brushed her fingertips against his cheek, noting the warmth and the furrowed lines of discomfort.

Alannah, relying on her well-honed senses, embarked on the task of preparing a comforting bowl of soup for Nathaniel despite her visual impairment. With careful and deliberate movements, she navigated her way around the kitchen, relying on her muscle memory and familiarized positions of the various ingredients and utensils.

Feeling her way along the countertops, she located the vegetable drawer in the refrigerator and pulled it open. Her trained fingertips swiftly identified the vegetables by touch, allowing her to select the necessary ingredients. She selected a variety of fresh vegetables, feeling their shapes, textures, and sizes to ensure she had a balanced assortment for the soup.

Next, Alannah sought out a cutting board and a sharp knife. Running her hands along the edges of the countertop, she found the familiar tools and positioned them within easy reach. With a careful grip on the knife, she deftly chopped the vegetables, relying on her sense of touch to ensure the pieces were of a suitable size for the soup.

Once the ingredients were prepared, Alannah moved to the stovetop. Familiarizing herself with the arrangement of the burners, she located the appropriate one for cooking the soup. She skillfully turned the knob to ignite the flame, feeling the warmth emanate from the burner.

Carefully, she placed a pot on the stove and poured in the necessary amount of water, using her fingers as a gauge to ensure she had the right level. As the water began to heat up, Alannah could sense the gentle vibrations and the rising temperature through her hands.

With a practiced intuition, she added the chopped vegetables to the pot, stirring them with a spoon to distribute the flavors. She relied on her sense of smell to detect the fragrant aromas wafting from the simmering pot, adjusting the heat as needed to maintain a gentle simmer.

As the soup cooked, Alannah continued to monitor its progress, occasionally tasting a small sample to ensure the flavors were well-balanced. She relied on her taste buds and intuition to guide her, making any necessary adjustments to the seasoning.

Once satisfied with the soup, she carefully turned off the stove and allowed the pot to cool slightly. Using a ladle, she carefully transferred the soup into a bowl, taking care not to spill.

Gently nudging Nathaniel awake, Alannah softly spoke, her voice filled with concern, "Nathaniel, you're running a fever. You need to eat something." As Nathaniel opened his eyes, he gazed at Alannah with a mixture of surprise and amazement, touched by her thoughtfulness and care.

Alannah's words lingered in the air, and Nathaniel slowly processed the realization that Alannah, despite her own challenges, was taking it upon herself to tend to his well-being. He marveled at her selflessness and the depth of her compassion.

A grateful smile formed on Nathaniel's face as he mustered his energy to respond. "I can't believe you're taking care of me, Alannah. It's moments like these that make me appreciate your presence even more." His voice held a hint of awe and gratitude, touched by the kindness she had shown him.

Alannah, though unable to see the expression on Nathaniel's face, could sense the sincerity in his voice. She smiled warmly and gently reassured him, "Of course, Nathaniel. We take care of each other, don't we? Now, let me bring you some soup. It'll help with the fever."

With gentle guidance, Alannah assisted Nathaniel in sitting up, ensuring he was comfortable. She then made her way back to the kitchen, carefully carrying the bowl of soup she had prepared. Returning to Nathaniel's side, she placed the bowl on a tray, balancing it with the glass of water.

"Here you go, Nathaniel," Alannah said softly, her voice filled with warmth. "It's hot soup to soothe your throat and provide some nourishment. Take it slow and let me know if you need anything else."

Nathaniel reached out, his hand finding the tray and feeling the comforting warmth of the bowl. He appreciated the gesture and the effort Alannah had put into taking care of him. Gratefully, he expressed his thanks, "Thank you, Alannah. You're truly amazing."

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