Chapter 21: Absence

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Days passed without a glimpse of Nathaniel, Alannah's heart grew heavy with a mix of worry and anxiety. The absence of his lingering presence left an empty space in her world, and she couldn't help but feel a twinge of disappointment.

"What could be keeping him away?" Alannah whispered to herself, her brows furrowing with concern. "Did something unexpected come up? Or did he simply forget to mention that he is going to go somewhere.

Her mind raced with questions, each one fueling her growing unease. She had grown accustomed to their regular encounters, the comfort of his companionship, and now, with his sudden absence, an unsettling emptiness settled within her.

The hours stretched like an eternity as Alannah found herself yearning for the familiar sound of his voice, the warmth of his presence. She knew deep down that she had become accustomed to his constant lingering, and the void left in his wake felt like a void in her own life.

"Did I imagine our connection? Was I just a fleeting chapter in his story?" Alannah wondered aloud, her voice tinged with a hint of sadness. "Or perhaps he simply didn't realize how much his presence meant to me."

She tried to push aside her worries, reminding herself that absence doesn't always equate to indifference. Perhaps there was a reasonable explanation for Nathaniel's sudden departure without a word. Still, her thoughts betrayed her, conjuring worst-case scenarios and insecurities.

Alannah's anxiety grew as she reached for her phone, fingers trembling with a mix of anticipation and worry. She dialed Nathaniel's number, hoping for a familiar voice on the other end of the line, but her heart sank as the call went straight to voicemail.

"Where could he be? Why is his phone unreachable?" Alannah muttered to herself, her voice laced with frustration and concern. She paced back and forth in her apartment, her mind consumed with thoughts of all the possible scenarios that could explain his absence.

Her imagination ran wild, conjuring images of calamity and misfortune, as she feared the worst. She imagined him stranded in a foreign land, facing unexpected obstacles or dangers, all while she remained helpless, unable to reach out and offer her support.

Minutes turned into hours, and still, no word from Nathaniel. Each passing moment felt like an eternity, amplifying her worries and deepening her sense of helplessness. She questioned herself, wondering if she had done something wrong, if she had pushed him away with her desire for his presence.

"Did I come on too strong? Was my longing for his company too much for him to bear?" Alannah whispered, her voice filled with self-doubt. She paced anxiously, her footsteps echoing through the empty room.

Her mind raced with countless scenarios, each one more distressing than the last. She imagined the worst possible outcomes, her heart heavy with the weight of uncertainty. She longed for the comfort of his presence, for his reassuring voice to quell her fears.

As the hours turned into days, Alannah's stress reached its peak. She couldn't eat or sleep, her mind consumed by thoughts of Nathaniel's well-being. She considered reaching out to mutual acquaintances, hoping for any scrap of information, but she hesitated, not wanting to invade his privacy or appear too desperate.

In the depths of her worry, a small voice of reason emerged. Perhaps there was a simple explanation for his unavailability. Maybe his phone had run out of battery, or he had ventured into an area with no signal. But even that glimmer of hope couldn't fully assuage her restless mind.

Alannah realized that she had become deeply attached, her heart entwined with Nathaniel's in a way that she hadn't anticipated. The thought of losing him, of never hearing his voice or feeling his presence again, sent waves of fear crashing through her.

Alannah, feeling restless and desperate for any information about Nathaniel, approached the hotel's receptionist desk where Lisa, the friendly receptionist, greeted her. Alannah mustered up the courage to ask her about Nathaniel, hoping for a glimmer of insight.

"Hey, Lisa," Alannah began, her voice tinged with anticipation. "Have you happened to see a man named Nathaniel around the hotel? He's been around here quite often."

Lisa's eyes flickered with recognition, remembering Nathaniel's request not to divulge his presence to Alannah; She hesitated for a moment.

With a gentle tone, Lisa replied, "I'm sorry, Alannah. I haven't seen Nathaniel recently. But I'm sure he's just caught up with some personal matters. I wouldn't worry too much."

Alannah's heart sank at Lisa's response, disappointment washing over her. The lingering uncertainty continued to gnaw at her, intensifying her longing for his presence.

Suppressing her disappointment, Alannah mustered a smile and nodded appreciatively. "I understand. Thanks, Lisa."

Deep down, Alannah couldn't shake off the nagging worry that something might be amiss. The absence of Nathaniel's familiar figure, his comforting presence, left a void in her heart. She couldn't help but wonder if his sudden disappearance was related to her growing attachment to him, or if there were other factors at play.

With a heavy sigh, Alannah decided to trust in Nathaniel's judgment, believing that he would eventually reappear with an explanation. Until then, she would try her best to distract herself, to focus on her own well-being and work.

But no matter how hard she tried to push the worries aside, they persisted like unwelcome guests in her mind.

Alannah navigated her way back to her apartment, her steps heavy with sadness and confusion. Her hands trailed along the familiar walls, providing a sense of comfort amidst the turmoil within her. She unlocked the door and entered the peaceful sanctuary of her home, where the familiar scents and textures embraced her.

Her mind raced with unanswered questions, the absence of Nathaniel leaving her feeling lost and vulnerable. She longed to hear his voice, to know where he was and why he had disappeared. With each passing moment, her anxiety grew, and she felt the weight of his absence as a palpable void in her world.

Alannah found solace in the familiarity of her surroundings. The sound of her own breathing and the gentle hum of the air conditioner became her companions. She carefully made her way to her favorite spot, the softness of her couch inviting her to sink into its embrace.

With her hands resting on her lap, Alannah let her thoughts wander, trying to decipher the reasons behind Nathaniel's sudden departure. Was it work-related, as he had mentioned before? Or had something unforeseen occurred that kept him away? The uncertainty tugged at her heart, filling her with a mix of worry and longing.

As she sat there, enveloped in silence, Alannah's mind painted vivid pictures of the moments they had shared. She recalled the sound of his laughter, the warmth of his touch, and the way he had made her feel alive. Each memory brought a bittersweet smile to her lips, mingled with a tinge of sadness for the present moment.

She reached out for her phone, her fingers tracing the familiar contours until she found the familiar shape of the device. The screen remained blank, reflecting her own sense of emptiness. She hesitated, uncertain whether to attempt another call or message, afraid of what she might discover on the other end.

Alannah took a deep breath, allowing the stillness of the room to wash over her. She reminded herself to remain patient, to trust that Nathaniel had his reasons for his sudden absence. The bond they had formed, though young and fragile, held the potential for something beautiful.

Closing her eyes, Alannah leaned back against the soft cushions, surrendering herself to the darkness behind her eyelids.

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