Chapter 30: Sightless Dreams

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Alannah stepped into her apartment, the familiar scent of home greeting her. However, something felt amiss. The stillness in the air sent a shiver down her spine. She called out for Nathaniel, but her voice echoed back to her, unanswered.

Her footsteps echoed through the empty space as she moved from room to room, her heart pounding with each passing moment. Panic began to creep into her mind, as a multitude of thoughts raced through her head. Where could Nathaniel be? Why wasn't he here?

Alannah's hands trembled as she reached for her phone, desperate to call Nathaniel and find out where he was. But as she dialed his number, anxiety welled up within her when she realized that his phone was unreachable. Questions swirled in her mind, and a sense of unease settled deep within her.

She tried to push aside her worries, reminding herself that Nathaniel had his own life and responsibilities. But deep down, she couldn't ignore the gnawing concern that something was wrong. She couldn't bear the thought of losing him, not after all they had shared.

As Alannah sat on the couch, a whirlwind of emotions swept over her. Confusion, fear, and a profound sense of emptiness engulfed her. She longed for answers, for some sign that Nathaniel was okay.

In that moment, she couldn't help but question her own actions and the choices they had made. Had she pushed him away with her anger and disbelief? Was he avoiding her because of the weight of his secrets? Doubt and regret crept into her heart, clouding her thoughts.

The hours stretched into an agonizing wait, and Alannah's mind swam with possibilities. Had something happened to him? Had he left her without a trace again? The uncertainty was suffocating.

But just as despair threatened to consume her, a faint knock on the door broke the silence. Alannah's heart skipped a beat as she hurriedly made her way to answer it. And there, standing before her, was Nathaniel.

Relief flooded through her as she felt it was him, the exhaustion etched across his face. Without a word, she pulled him into a tight embrace, her worry and fear melting away in that moment.

Nathaniel, too, held her tightly, his voice filled with remorse as he apologized for his sudden absence, "I am sorry, Alannah."

Alannah couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions swirling within her as she confronted Nathaniel about his deception. "Why did you lie to me?" she asked, her voice tinged with a hint of hurt.

Nathaniel took a deep breath. He understood the weight of his words and the impact they had. "I didn't want to make you feel uncomfortable," he replied, his voice filled with sincerity. "I knew you had a job at the hotel, and I didn't want you to feel weird about talking to your boss."

Alannah's brows furrowed, a mixture of frustration and understanding crossing her features. She let out a small whine, her disappointment evident. "But Nathaniel, I would have understood. I would have supported you, no matter what. We promised to be honest with each other."

Nathaniel's eyes softened, regret evident in his expression for so many things. He reached out to gently hold Alannah's hands. "I know, and I'm sorry," he said earnestly. "I didn't want to burden you with the weight of my responsibilities. I wanted to protect you, to shield you from the complexities of my life."

Alannah's anger began to dissipate, replaced by a realization of Nathaniel's intentions. She knew that he cared deeply for her and wanted to keep her safe. She nodded, her voice softer now. "I understand why you did it, but it hurt to discover the lie. Communication is important to me, Nathaniel."

He nodded in agreement, his fingers gently tracing circles on the back of her hand. "You're right, Alannah. I should have been more honest with you from the beginning. I promise to be more open, to share the truth with you."

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