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(My POV)
(October 31st 6:20 p.m.: Nick and Zoey)

"HEY NIKO, AM I HAVE A WORD WITH YOU REAL QUICK? Just a-saying not in front of Eren." Spears wrapes an arm around my shoulder, tighting his grip just enough to make me uncomfortable.

"Spears, right now is not the best tim-" Eren gets cut off by Spears who leans on to me and jokenly says.

"Oh come it's just gonna be for a few minutes, right? Niko you don't mind, right Niko?" Tightening his grip on my shoulder, saying in a drunken manner, yet one that was threating.

"Um Spears I-i" I cling to my drink not wanting to say yes.

I don't wanna be alone with him.
Please Eren, don't leave me alone with him.
He's going to hurt me.
Nick please

"Don't worry Niko, I won't do anything to you." Spears pushes me to the middle of the crowd.

My vision.... it's starting to blur.
I think I took to many drinks.
My head
Hurts so much.
The lights are getting blurry. I can't hear Eren.
Did he leave me?
Help me.

"Wow there Niko, clam down with the drink's." Spear says carrying me through the middle of the crowd.

"Spears, come on she drunk let her go." I can hear Eren's voice, but I can't see him.

"It'll just be for a little bit man come on. Don't be such a bitch Eren." Spears wrapes his hand around my waist, going back and forth with Eren. Spears taking me to the middle of the ground and away from the kitchen.

"Oh your present just arrived, NICK! Look what I got!" Spears says in a singing voice, spreading through a crowd full of people,  getting the attention of the guy in front of the fire place.

The man holds a girl in his arms. She looks so familiar, like I have seen her before.

The girl in front of the man looks at me giving a glare at me, drinking out of a beer can and gets up from the man's lap,

I can tell her eyes are looking at me, but I can't see her eyes.

My knees feel weak
I can't stand straight.
What the fuck is happening to me.
Nicko it can't be you?
Why are you here?

"Niko?" Nick's voice comes from above me, but I can't look at him.

My legs begin to give out and I fall to the ground.

I can hear Spears and the others laughing.

I try my best getting up, and lift my feet up to get me to stand.

"Wow there Niko. What are you doing? Get up and meet your ex boyfriend." Spears says taking her arm on my hair and forcefully tries to lift me up.

"Wow, wow ,wow, Spears that's enough let her go." Nick says getting up from the couch and next to the fire place.

"Aw, Nick you still care? I didn't think you'll be the type of guy to fon over a girl who dumped you. I can say you know how to pick them nice. Yeah real nice Nick, you did good but now's my turn." Spear takes my hand and wraps it around his shoulder.

"Spears just let her go." Nick gets closer to us and puts down his drink.

"Aww, come on Nick let me have this. So that way we can all get a turn of hers. WHAT DO YOU SAY GUYS!" Spears looks at the crowd of cheering people.

Some saying yes and others look at Nick.

"DO IT!"

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