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(My POV)
(August 30 8:23 a.m. :Nick)

Waking up to go to school wasn't the greatest thing today. When I got home last night, I threw up all over the place.

I know Mikey's going to kill me for ruining the bathroom.

I took a cold shower hoping it would get rid of the hangover from last night.

I hadn't seen Nick that whole night.

And I'm still wondering who that man was with Zoey yesterday. I'm sure it was just some random guy at the party who just wanted to get laid.

"NIKO!" A huge hand runs across my back bringing me to a hug.

"Zoey, stop your gonna break my back." I tap Zoey's back, so she would get off. Hardly being able to breathe, once she lets go I take a deep breath holding on to my chest.

"Aw, but I like hugging you Niko. Anyway good to see your doing well. Did you manage to get ahold of Nick?"

"No, not yet I texted him this morning, but he didn't answer it." I thought about how weird Zoey asked about Nick.

"Oh, well that's a shame." Zoey crosses her arms above her head.

"Yeah, so who was the lucky guy yesterday." Zoey looks at me with a questioning look.

I knew she was gonna pull the face on me, but even though I was drunk I still have a good memory of what happened that night, although I couldn't see the guy's face.

I know there was someone there.

My memories are a bit hazy though. The drinking and the loud noises still ringing in my head.

I didn't exactly care who the guy was, but I did worry about Zoey safety.

It was strange not seeing Nick there, even though he was adamant about going.

" was no one...don't worry about it. Anyway why are you wearing a coat it's summer?" Zoey is a terrible liar.

"Well, even if it's still summer the weather's been getting cold fast. The news said it was gonna be getting colder quicker now that summer is ending." Zoey looks at me confused about everything I just said. "Are you even listening to me, Zoey?"

"Uhm, something about you being a prune." Zoey says teasingly.

"Zoey, it's been raining nonstop. Have you not felt the weather getting colder?"

"Oh I have, I just don't care."

"Zoey." I say angrily.

"I'm kidding Niko, I'm kidding." Zoey puts her hands up making an act of surrender.

"HEY GUYS GET OVER HERE CLASS IS ABOUT TO START!" It's Spears yelling for us to hurry up.

I see Nick next to him. I can't believe he actually made it to school. I was worried Nick wouldn't make it, because he wasn't texting me back. I run towards Nick hoping he sees me.

I jump into his arms, with him wrapping his hands around my waist.

"Nick, you're here I was so worried about you. I didn't see you at the party, what happened?" My mind is filled with questions, but I have to wait for Nick to tell me what happened yesterday.

"Oh, I just left early. I forgot to tell you and I didn't see you at the party either." Nick says still holding on to me.

Something was off Nick didn't sound the same. He sounded tired like he had been up all night. He didn't seem worried about me more just focus on something else.

Zoey catches up with me appearing in the corner of my eye. When Zoey said hi to Nick all he did was look away not acknowledging she was there.

That wasn't normal for Nick to do that. I didn't mind though it felt off, but I know it's just Nick being Nick.

The entire class time passes, and any time Zoey was around things just got weird between Nick and her.

I thought it was just Nick not wanting to talk with her, or anything. 

I felt something was more off between the two. How the two of them couldn't even hold a conversation let alone look at each other.

Nick was trying to focus on me, but kept backing away anytime Zoey was around.

"Nick is everything alright?" Nick looks at me curiously.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Why do you ask?" Nick says seriously, but curious at the same time like he's waiting for me to say something important.

It isn't bad, but things are just getting too weird with him. But it wasn't the first time, a few weeks ago Nick was also acting strange, but now he's just ignoring the fact he knows he is acting weird.

"No, it's fine I was just worried that's all."

"You shouldn't, everything is fine." Nick says in a cold voice.

"Oh, well then I was just wondering if you'd like to hangout tonight?"

"Oh, sorry Niko I'm kinda busy tonight, maybe another time."

"Oh, yeah that's fine."

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