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(August 29th 10:00 p.m) months ago.

Today is the last day of summer. Soon everyone will go back to school. A prison base place where many people are sent to learn.

But, before everyone had to leave for their highschools, and be to busy working on their careers. They wanted to make a little get together.

To say goodbye before the teachers, and everyone else tried to stop us from having fun.

At first I said no, but my friends being the type of people they are, forced me into coming.

I knew all they wanted to do is get drunk.

But, so did I.

Now I'm here at a party full of sweaty, drunk soon to be high schoolers.

I see Zoey and the others talking, they're hands full of beer bottles.

"Come on Niko, let's have a drink. It's our last day of summer, have a little fun." Mikey holds a drink to my face begging me to take it.

"Mikey, you know your gonna get a hang over if you drink. I'll have to carry you home if you get drunk."

"Your no fun Niko... anyway where's Nick. Isn't he supposed to be with you? Wasn't he the one to convince you to come here." Mikey says taking the drink he was going to give me, drank it instead.

"I don't know, I haven't seen him here yet." I see Mikey pull a blank face. I know it means that Mikey doesn't trust Nick. "Mikey stop, I know what your thinking."

"I'm not think anything, I'm just saying if he wanted you to come, why leave you alone?"

I know Mikey doesn't like Nick, or trust him. Honestly I've been knowing it ever since what happened 3 months ago. Mikey had every right to be mad, but I gave Nick a second chance.

"Look I know you don't like the guy, but can you give him a chance. I know it won't happen again." Mikey gives a unsure look at me.

"Niko, I know you love the guy but you don't have to put up with his shit. Why get back with him in the first place you know what he did?" Mikey puts his drink down then grabbing another drink off the table.

"Mikey.." I can't say anything. I know it was wrong for me in the first place to take Nick back after what he did. But I can't live without him, anytime I think about not being with him, I just have this panic attack.

"Niko, seriously you need to get over the guy.... I'm getting myself another drink wait here." Mikey walks away annoyed at me for not taking his advice about Nick.

I know Mikey means well.

I wait a few minutes for Mikey to get his drink, but honestly it felt like forever. What's taking Mikey so long?

"HEY, NIKO! THERE YOU ARE, IVE BEEN LOOKING EVERYWHERE FOR YOU!" It's Audrey, and judging by the sound of her voice she is completely drunk. "Heyyy, babygirl. What's with the long face? it's a party your supposed to be having fun." Audrey tries holding on to me but stumbles on her feet, she is clearly out of it.

"I'm fine. Have you seen Nick around? I can't find him anywhere." I hold on to her looking for a straight answer, her other hand holding a beer can and her head tilting back.

"Oh girl don't worry about need to bump his ass...he doesn't deserve you." Audrey struggles to speak but continues talking. "I saw himmm...talking to uhh, Zoey a few minutes ago." Audrey is getting too tired to speak but is able to point at the direction Nick and Zoey are.

"Is he still there?" I look at where she's pointing, but I can't see them.

"Shit I don't know, but don't worry about that. Dump him, his no good for you." Audrey almost falling to the floor says. I struggle seeing her get off the ground. I extend my hand to help but Audrey just holds the table next to her. "I'm fine." She says drunkenly.

What is Nick and Zoey doing? Zoey doesn't really like Nick much, and barely talks to the man. I should check on them before something bad happens.

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