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(My POV)
(September 1st 4:30 p.m.: The group)

'The talk' by that Mikey meant he wanted to talk about Nick, and the others.

Everyone wanted to talk about Nick, yet not in the way I wanted them to.

At this point, getting back with Nick meant everyone would wanna have 'the talk' about what he did, or I guess what I did.

I guess all they wanted to do was protect each other.

. . . . . . . . .

"Niko, you know everyone in the group misses you. They want you back, but you have to stop talking with Nick." Mikey says putting down the drink he drought for me.

"Mikey, you know I can't do that. It was my fault not Nick's. He's still a part of this team."

'It was all my fault.'

"It was an accident that caused someone their life. Niko, you know that's not true.  Driving your friends away was not a your mistake it was are the only person that doesn't see that..the group knows you're not the one to blame for all this."

"But it is my fault! It's my fault you guys don't get along anymore! He didn't drive you guys away, I did....After what happened to hina."

Why do my tears keep trying to get out?

Why am I so pathetic?

It's my fault the team is gone.

After the accident Nick felt and so did I.

It was my fault we had the argument in the first place.

It's my fault hina is dead.

It should have been me instead of her.

"Niko, it wasn't your fault. No one knew that was gonna happen. The argument wasn't your fault, and neither was the death. God, did Nick say it was your fault? That's not true." Mikey takes my hand in comfort.

"Why can't I say anything?"

"It was my fault."

"Now Mikey is worried."

"I-it' fault... she's dead...and it was because of me." I can't keep it together, tears are already falling down my face.

"No, it wasn't you weren't driving the car, Nick was... And the argument was caused because Nick drove that car he knew it wasn't safe. You...Nick...and everyone else would have been killed, if you didn't do what you did then."

"No, it's because of what I did, killed Hina..." Tears overwhelming me.

"You took the steering wheel. You saved everyone....from Nick......People said some words, so did Nick but he was the one to start all this mess with the others. Nick said things about Hina, he started the fights between Eren and him. If it wasn't for what Eren and Sam did the whole group would have been lost because of Nick."

"Yeah, but I told everyone to come with us. I knew Nick was drunk-" I get cut off by Mikey talking.

"And we all agreed to let him drive. It wasn't your fault, if anything we're all to blame, you stopped Nick when things got worse. We were all drunk, we made bad decisions and Hina died because of it, you are not to be blamed for her dying. God, much more people would have died if you didn't do anything to stop Nick, he made things way worse when he started blaming everyone else about the crash. You got your arm broken because of it." Mikey pauses waiting for me to say something.

"I couldn't just stand there while Nick drank himself to death. I couldn't just watch him die like that. I caused the fight between the two."

"Niko, the fight was caused because Nick kept trying to fight Eren. Everyone saw when Nick tried blaming the accident on Eren."

Mikey was right at that moment, but I can't say anything.

Mikey knew more about what happened that day everyone did, but no one told me what happened after that.

"Mikey, what happened that day?"

BEAD GIRL Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora