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(Nick side POV)
(October 29th 2:30 p.m.: Niko)

I was surprised when Niko wanted to break up with me... Something is different about her... Niko changed and I'm not sure why.

Lately that's all I've been able to think about, her face and the way she acted...

But I shouldn't care... Now that Niko is out of my life, I can finally be Zoey..

Yet there's something weird.... Zoey is kind and pretty, yet I can't take my mind off Niko.

Don't get me wrong Niko is beautiful, but no one had to say life was short. I needed to move on anyway. I'm not going to be stuck in one place all my life.

Today Zoey wanted to go food shopping for Halloween dinner at her place... We also needed to stock up on candy for the trick-or-treaters and a Halloween party we are going to this weekend.

"Nick, I got the candy, andddd* oh, I got wine for tonight, becauseeee we're getting drunk yup." Zoey pops out of the corner holding two bottles of wine with her.

"Well, then should we go or what?" I cay in a cold voice towards Zoey.

"Nick, your no fun. What happened to that party guy I miss?" Zoey says walking towards me then grabbing my face to kiss me.

I back away because I don't feel in the mood to kiss Zoey, or get drunk at home. Which seems to be the only thing I've been doing since I got with Zoey.

I haven't been sober for 2 years now. I drank because Zoey got me into it. Now I'm more sick of drinking it then when I'm actually drunk.

Zoey is getting off my nerves with the amount of times she's tried getting me to drink.

"I'm tired let's just go home." I say pulling away from her and heading towards the register.

Zoey walks behind showing a confused face, not understanding why I pull away from her.

I walk through the aisle still holding onto the store items Zoey grabbed, passing through the fruit aisle and the Halloween decorations.

'it's Niko.'
'she's with mikey.'
'what the hell are they doing together?'

"Oh, Niko it's you...."

"N-nick..." Niko says in a frightening voice.

The small girl with brown eyes and a shaking voice, pulls me down to earth. I look at Niko who holds decorations with her. Niko's small hands are shaking from me bumping into her, her hair covering half her face and put down, and not her regular ponytail hair style.

"Nick.. I-i didn't know you were going to be here.." Niko says tightly holding on to the stuff she had on hand.

"Yeah, I was just getting some stuff for..." I can't continue saying the rest I don't know why but t I just stop.

"Hey, Niko you coming or you just gonna stay there?... Oh, Nick your here." Mikey says walking up to Niko and I holding a free bags to put there items in.

"Yeah, I was just getting a few things look I should get going." I say trying to leave the conversation.

"Yeah, we should get going too." Mikey takes hold of Niko's hand, then takes her to the front entrance of the store.

"Yeah see you guys.... later then." I whisper the last part not wanting them to hear me.

I just stand here waiting stupidly.

Time didn't feel like it was passing, I'm just standing here watching them leave.

'why does my heart hurt?'

'why do I feel this way?'
'why does it hurt?'
'why does it hurt so much?'

"Hey, Nick was that Niko? I left to go grab a couple of things, bid I miss anything? Hey, Nick are you there?... Nick?" Zoey waves her hand in front of me snapping back to reality.

"Oh, yeah I'm fine. Nothing happened let's just go."

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