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(My POV)
(September 1st 5:20 p.m.: The present time)

"So, what happened after you left the hospital?" Mikey asks me, stopping the story at the hospital when I woke up.

"That day.... I heard the argument... I was in a panic..a-and...I let things get to me... The doctors said I had a seizure.... When I was in a coma....I heard you talking everyday... I wanted to laugh at the funny jokes you made...and at the same time...I wanted to cry..." Mikey gives a concern look, but all I can do is sob.

"Y-you heard me?" Mikey can't speak from the shocke.

"Everyday Mikey...you were the one thing that kept me going.... everyday you came to the hospital...you told me the things I missed at school... When Audrey came to the hospital she talked about how Nick wasn't there and how he was with Zoey....." I wipe the tears from my face and wait for Mikey to say something.

"Niko, I'm so sorry... I didn't know. You could-" Mikey pauses taking a moment to look at me confirming that I knew what he said that day. "So, you heard when I-"

"Mikey, I've wanted to tell you for so long  now...but, I didn't know how to tell you... I knew something happened between the two, but I'm not going to say anything."

"Niko, you can't be serious? You know Nick's been cheating on you, and you're not going to do anything." Mikey says in a panicked voice.

'I want to let him, but I can't'

"Niko, tell me your no-" Mikey stopped talking.

'what am I doing?'


Niko.... I-im..." Our lips separate and Mikey tries to find some words to say, still looking shocked at what happened.

'I kissed Mikey....'

"Mikey...there's a lot of things I wanna tell you, but there are so many things that keep me from telling you..."

"Niko, I know you need time to speak...but why stay with him?... Why hurt yourself more by being with him?...." Mikey says trying to understand why I did what I did.

"Because, Mikey.... I'm scared... I'm scared to leave him alone.... The reason I went back was to help him....I saw him...I saw him a couple of weeks...after I woke up... I told him I didn't want to see him, I was upset when I found out about Nick and Zoey.....but when I saw him laying on the ground of my apartment.... When I saw him laying there he was beaten up, bloody and drinking.... He started crying my name and all I could do was watch as he drank himself half to death. I took him to the hospital... He begged me to stay....And I did."

I can see Mikey watch in sadness as I tell the story... His eyes are full of tears, but says nothing....I can see the pain and hurt in his eyes and all I can do is watch Mikey...

'why do I have to cause pain to my loved ones?'

'why am I so pathetic?"

'and yet I wanna help Nick.'
'im scared he might hurt himself.'
'i know I might be wrong for helping Nick.'
'but I can't watch him die.'
'Not like me.'


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