Seeing that Li Cheng was so cold, Zhou Jian shrank his neck and immediately took off his scarf and tied Li Cheng to it. He is a rich second-generation, even an ordinary scarf is very valuable, the logo on it can even be recognized by Li Orange.

Li Cheng immediately took a step back and waved his hand to refuse: "No, no, don't you, wear the scarf yourself, don't give it to me."

Zhou Jian was rejected by him, and he couldn't get off the stage quite a bit: "...Why? It's so cold, and wearing a scarf is warm."

Li Cheng: "I don't feel breathless while wearing a scarf. I feel like someone is locking my throat."

Zhou Jian: "..."

Zhou Jian put on the scarf back silently.

Li Cheng always thought that Zhou Jian was strange. During the training camp for more than two weeks, Li Cheng accidentally discovered that Zhou Jian often stared at him.

Sometimes when Li Cheng turned his head, he would catch Zhou Jian's gaze that was too late to withdraw. Those eyes were full of meaning, and Li Cheng's whole body was fluffy.

It's weird! The two of them have different specialties, and there is no conflict at all in the final competition places. Why does Zhou Jian regard him as an imaginary enemy?

If Zhou Jian knew what Li Cheng was thinking, he would definitely be depressed by playing the piano to the cow during this time.

It was too cold outside, Li Cheng wrapped her down jacket tightly, kicked her hands into her pockets, and trot towards the cafeteria. Zhou Jian followed him every step of the way, his eyes falling on the back of Li Cheng's neck as if imperceptibly.

The two passed through the cold wind, pushed open the heavy curtain of the cafeteria, and finally returned to the arms of the heater.

He ran to the window of beef (rou rou) noodle soup and brought a bowl of freshly baked beef (rou rou) noodles. The chef in charge of the meal was afraid that he would not have enough nutrition. The beef (rou) in the ocean bowl was filled with two tablespoons, and the pointed beef (rou) piled up into a hill, which looked particularly spectacular.

"Eat more protein and less carbohydrate." The chef put the beef (meat rou) noodles on Li Cheng's tray, "young man, come and add it if (meat rou) is not enough."

Zhou Jian, who was next to him, wanted to eat the same as Li Cheng, and immediately said, "Master, give me a bowl too."

The chef looked at the noodle cooking pot: "Student, you have to wait a few minutes, the noodles are used up, I want to show it."

Zhou Jian hesitated, but agreed.

Li Cheng ignored him and first went to find a seat with beef noodles. It was the peak of the next training. Hundreds of athletes crowded the canteen. Li Cheng searched for a bowl of noodles for a long time, and finally found an empty seat in the corner.

It just so happened that the three chairs around the empty seat were sitting like his roommates.

The three omegas didn't know what topic they were talking about. Chen Miao, who talked the most, was even more excited and full of spring.

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