Maria trained at the Yeti dungeon and farmed charms while honing her advanced magic control work with an Elite. Abby mostly trained her new upgraded Restore and Combat Magic skills.

Apparently, she has a very rare healing variant for a skill, two Elites came to supervise.

Lastly, Arie burned through more than his full supply of MP potions, he was training with a high-level Elite in the Great Plains Dungeon.

I'm not sure exactly what they did, but this confirms my suspicions that it was him I sensed when Dungeon Walking through earlier this week.

I fill the three of them in on some of my battles but leave a few details out. Mostly the time dilation training and defeating the Floor Boss parts... I trust them, and will most likely let them in on this secret too, but inside the Association's elevator doesn't seem like the right place to break the news.

All of our mentors had to leave early for an urgent mission, that's the only thing we had in common this week.


Laughing, and enjoying each other's full company again, the elevator finally makes it to the top floor.

The Director's Office.

I gulp as the doors slide open.

The last time I talked with the Director, I gave him a rather explosive attitude. In his eyes, I didn't even get very far up the labyrinth, my cockiness was for nothing.

It's a bit embarrassing, but I'll have to swallow my pride and face him without showing all my cards. He can think whatever he wants, I'm just happy to be back with my team.

I let out a calm breath and eagerly look ahead to watch the penthouse office come into view.

A woman's voice hits my ear and I'm thrown off guard at the sight before me.

"Welcome back, the 81st Vice Region Elite squad. Well, soon to be."

The tall fair skinned assistant of the Director greets us at the elevator door.

I see Leo, the legendary Grade Artificer, sitting at one of the comfortable-looking chairs by the Director's desk.

Sure, his familiar face is shocking, but the fact that these two are the only ones in the room is a bit more confusing in my mind.

I reply to the assistant as I walk through the silver sliding doors into the glass-walled penthouse.

"Where's the Director? I thought we were having a meeting with him today?"

She replies while guiding all 4 of us over to white cushioned seats next to the man in the dark purple cloak.

"Brutus is out of town today, I'll be handling the meeting."

I nod slowly as we get closer.

The outfit Leo wears today is different than last night, but he keeps the same theme. It's collared, a bit more formal looking. With matte black boots and a light purple glow to him, the magical craftsman really stands out in this white-walled room.

He sports a few silver rings and bracelets today too.

The assistant speaks up again.

"Everyone, I'd like you to meet Leo. He's our specialized Association Artificer, he'll be able to fill any requests necessary for your Elite missions moving forward."

The silver-haired man stands up and bows slightly before speaking.

"It's a pleasure to meet all of you today."

He raises his head and makes eye contact with me for a split second, grinning, then bringing his gaze up to everyone else before continuing.

"The Association has prioritized your abilities in order to protect our Region, so I'm happy to be of service to all of you for as long as you serve the Association along my side."

We all respond, introducing ourselves one by one until he gets to me.

"Nice to see you again so soon Jay."

I shake his hand again and tighten my lips into a thin smile as we all get seated. The Director's assistant walks behind the large empty desk at the back of the room.

She waits for all of us to quiet down, then pulls out 4 silver tablets with small crystals on their corners.

They hit the hard wooden desk with a thud.

"Now, let's talk about your new mission to the Dark Continent."


Author's Note:

If you're enjoying Dungeon Diver and want to follow Jay on his journey 20+ chapters ahead of schedule, check out the Patreon link in my profile bio.

There's custom chapter art for every new daily upload too!

Thanks for reading:)


Dungeon Diver: Stealing a Monster's Powerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن