Bunch of Idiots

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Newt stares dumbfounded at the person insulting them.

"Nathan?" Newt stares in shock.

"Newt. You disgusting freak. You're a sick fag."

"B-but I thought t-that..." Newt says completely confused. He looks at Nora for help and she looks down in shame. He sees her take her phone out and quickly type something.

Newt's pocket vibrates and he reads the message from Nora. I forgot to tell him to leave you alone. He's just going along with the old plan, I'm so sorry.

It's okay. I think... I don't know. We'll see how this turns out.

Newt sends the text and right as he looks up, he's knocked down.
He lays on the ground, holding his face. Someone just punched him. He quickly gets up and sees Thomas wrestling on the ground with Newt's father.

"Thomas. Thomas! Stop!" Thomas stops, getting up quickly.

"What kind of father hits his son for being in love?! The next time I see you lay a hand on him, I won't stop until you're barely breathing, you son of a bitch."

Newt and everyone else stood, shocked. Newt hugs Thomas from behind. "I love you." He whispers.

"You guys are so sweet. Why didn't you tell me?" The two hear from behind. Newt whips around to see his grandma.

"G-grams? You don't care?" He asks surprised.

"Of course not, love. Why would I be mad about your happiness? Everyone here listened to your grandfather. He was homophobic and he passed his beliefs on to all of the adults here. Love knows no gender, my dear child."

Newt's eyes begin to water and he hugs his grandma tight. "Why doesn't anyone listen to you?"

"Because they're idiots, love."

Newt laughs and they pull apart. "Hey, Grams, wanna come to my wedding?"

A wide smile spreads across the woman's face, "I would love nothing more."

Thomas looks at the two and smiles. He looks back at everyone and says, "You should take a page from her book because she knows exactly what she's talking about." He walks up to Newt's father, "Sir, I apologize for my anger, but my threat still stands. I won't have you laying hands on my boyfriend."

Newt's father spits in Thomas's face before saying, "You're sick. And that's not my son. Not anymore."

Thomas shakes his head and walks away from the man.

"Tommy, am I coming with you guys?" Little Thomas asks.

Tommy crouches down and looks the kid in the eyes. "Not yet, bud. We have to tell people about how your parents hurt you. And then we'll take them to court so we can try and get custody."

The child looks down and nods slowly. His parents grab him by his wrists and pull him away from Tommy. "You dirty fag. Stay away from our little boy." Thomas's father glares at the older boy.

Tommy slowly rises to his feet slowly. He looks the little boys's father in the eyes and pokes his chest. "Don't you call him your son. You treat him like dirt. Newt and I are taking you to court for abusing your son."

Everyone stares at the two boys. Scott, Ryan, and Kendra walk in laughing. They stop as soon as they notice everyone being so quiet.

"What's going on?"

A/N: HOLY FUCK I TOOK FOREVER TO UPDATE! I'm so, so sorry D': please forgive me :c

This chapter is crap. Sorry. But vote, comment, share. Do whatever. Thanks, loves <3

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