Chapter 40: GoodBye.

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Loganne's P.O.V

"Eugfghklfgjal." I mumbled, I don't even know what I said.

"You alright Baby Girl?" Niall asked rubbing my back, guess what, I puked again this morning.

Gosh what the fuck is happening?

As I finished puking I stood up and stripped my clothes, ready to take a bath.

"Are you gonna be alright?" Niall asked, I forgot he was still in here.

"Yeah, uh, why are you still here?" I asked as I peeked out of the shower curtain to find him sitting on the toilet lid and blushing.

"I- ju- I-" he stuttered.

I rolled my eyes and continued bathing.

"I think you're pregnant." Niall blurted out as I was putting in shampoo.

"What makes you think of that?" I asked, rubbing the shampoo on my head.

"I- just- you know what? I'll buy you a pregnancy test." Niall said, standing up.

"Buy me skittles and chocolate too!" I shouted as he walked out of the door.

"Noted, I'll buy junk food too." Niall replied, locking the door behind him.

"This is why I love you! I LOVE YOU BABE!" I shouted while rinsing the shampoo off my head.

"I LOVE YOU TOO BABY GIRL!" I heard him shout back.

I smiled and continued my Bathe.


"Is the results showing yet?" Niall asked for the fifteenth time, yes I counted.

"No, we have to wait for, like, five minutes?" I said as if it was a question.

Niall nodded excitedly and stared at the pregnancy test that was on the counter.

"If you stare at it, it won't work faster you know." I said chuckling.

"I know, I know, I'm just, excited." He replied jumping up and down on his seat as I rolled my eyes.

Later on, I heard a beep.

"Is the microwave on?" Niall asked.

"No." I said checking on it.

Then I realized, it was the test.

"Niall! The test!" I literally exclaimed.

His eyes widened as we ran towards the counter, I grabbed it and looked at it.

Two lines.

I'm pregnant.

"Niall?" I said as he looked at me with hopeful eyes.

I walked towards him and showed the test.

He furrowed his eyebrows.

"I don't understand, I can't speak pregnant." He stated jokingly.

Then he looked at me.

I sighed, I going to lie.

"I'm not pregnant." I lied through my teeth, I immediately felt bad.

"Oh." He sighed in disappointment.

But behind that, I was still wondering about that Tiana Bitch.

I walked towards our room, changing my clothes.

"Niall?" I asked.

"Yeah?" He looked at me, frowning.

"I'm going out." I said.

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