Chapter 25: Meeting the Horans

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Niall's P.O.V

"Niall PLEEEEEAAAASSSEEE?!" Loganne pleaded.

"Eugh." I grumbled.

"But I want Pizza." I said.

"And I want Chicken." She replied.

"Ya know what, let's not eat at all." I said.

She looked at me, she sighed as she scooted closer me.

She straddled me, kissing my neck, then she trailed to my collarbones.

Must. Not. Give. In.

"Fine." I gave up, kissing her cheek and standing up to buy some.

"Yay! I.. Love... You... So... Much." She said in between kisses on my lips.

I smiled.

"Wait a sec, I'll grab a jacket." She said.

"You're coming?" I asked.

"Yeah, I can't leave you alone, plus I wanna discover Ireland." She said.

"Just grab my hoodie." I said as I put on my denim jacket.

"You ready?" I asked as she walked outside our room.

Damn, She looked good in my hoodie.

She nodded as she grabbed her wallet.

"No wallets when you're with me." I demanded.

She rolled her eyes and rummaged through the couch, looking for her phone.

I slipped her phone on her back pocket as she squealed.

"No touching butts." She said, pointing a finger at me.


"No butts." She said as we latched unto each others arms as we walked out of the hotel.

We went to two restaurants, taking home whatever food we order.


"Hmm?" She replied as she watched our feet walk in sync.

"We're going somewhere." I stated.

"I don't wanna." She whined as she walked a bit faster, away from me.

"Don't you dare turn your back on me!" I said jokingly.

"But I did." She sassed, facing me while walking backwards.

"Come here you Sassy Lassy!" I said chasing her.

"No! Hahahha! Niall!" She cried as we chased each other.

I finally got a hold of her and slung her on my back, her arse was beside my face.

"You bad betch, running away from me." I said as She kept laughing.

I was holding our food in one hand then her in the other.

"Babe can you hold the food for me, you might fall and it won't feel good." I said.

She held on to the food, as I carried her to wherever we're going.

"You know I could give you wedgie right now." She threatened in her deep voice.

"Oh honey but we won't have kids." I said smugly.

She scoffed as I slapped her butt.

"Ouch! Niall you dick!" She scolded.

I laughed.

"Ooh, Calvin Klein boxers." She said as I felt her fingers on the band of my boxers.

My eyes widened.

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