Chapter 26: We're Idiots

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Niall's P.O.V

"How are ya Ireland!" Loganne cheered through her Mic.

"Okay so, now we're going to answer every tweet you ask with the hashtag #Momentour." Brace said.

"@1DForMe asked if Loganne and Niall share their foods." Axel said.

"Meh, think again." Loganne said.

"Well they share food for each other only." Dean said.

"Tsk tsk tsk, Niall you selfish blob." Loganne said hypocritically.

We all laughed (including the crowd)

"Psh you are too!" I shouted, so that that they can hear me.

"What was that Niall?" Axel said, walking towards me and putting the Mic near my mouth.

"Loganne is selfish too ya all know." I said, my voice ringing throughout the arena as the crowd cheered as they heard my name.

"I am not!" Loganne replied dramatically.

"Anyways, @LOGANNEISQUEEN asks Loganne if you ever prank your brothers." Brace read the question.

"First of all I love your username, and secondly, yes, I do sometimes it's the reason why they cry." She said.

The crowd laughed as I chuckled.

"Yep, it's true." Dean said, his two brothers nodding along.

"@FourMoreisHart asks if what are we all doing after this tou-aaahhhh!!" Loganne wasn't be able to finish her question because Axel poured cold water on her back, causing her back to be wet and see through.

"I hate you!" She cursed, holding the back part of her clothing, so it won't stick to her back, because it was cold.

By this time, everyone in the arena were now full-on laughing, even their crew and Thomas.

"Gaah it's cold, Dean answer the question." She demanded, still holding her back clothing.

"Okay, guys let's sit on the stairs we might slip here." Dean said, sensibly as they all nodded and sat down the stairs, near the upper part of their stage.

Brace and Loganne sat on the upper part and Dean and Axel on the second to the upper part.

"Maybe after the tour ya know, we'll have our rest, is it raining?" Axel said, nope, it wasn't raining it was Loganne, dripping her (a bit) water on Axel's head.

The crowd were cheering Loganne, because she was on her revenge mode, she made a 'shh' motion as Axel kept talking.

"We might relax for a while and record a new albusgshks." Poor Axel didn't finish his sentence as Loganne poured all of her water in his head, leaving Acel wet at over.

"Payback's a bitch." Loganne said, not bothering to use her Microphone as she ran away from Axel.

We were all on a verge of tears because of laughing when Axel slipped as he bought Loganne down with him.

Later on, Dean helped them get up but slipped on the floor with an 'oof.'

Brace was still in the stairs, laughing his ass off.

Later on, Brace came running down the ramp (that was on the left side of the stairs.) Loganne and Axel managed to get up but when Brace accidentally slided down the ramp, knocking Loganne and Axel down.

We were still laughing, there were tears on Harry's and Cat's eyes as Liam, Zayn and Louis were clutching their stomachs of laughter.

They all quickly stood up.

"We're all idiots." Loganne stated.

"Agree." Her brothers said in unison.

After a few songs, it rained, as if on cue, they played a song called 'When It Rains.'

Loganne's P.O.V

"Thank you Ireland, you've been great!" We all cheered through our Microphones.

We all went backstage, my shirt was now see-through.

"Okay guys Great show!" Thomas complimented.

We gave thanks to him as I went to search for Niall.

I was on the hallway as I felt a warm jacket covering me.

"You need to change before you get sick." He whispered in my ear.

"Niall." I said as I hugged him, he hugged me back.

"Now go change, I asked Cat fir a pair of shorts as I put my extra shirt in your dressing room." He said, kissing my forehead.

"I'll be right here." He said outside my dressing room.

I changed into my pair of High waisted shorts as I slipped on Niall's Crazy Mofo shirt.

I walked out of my dressing room, seeing Niall waiting patiently, I love how he takes care of me.

"I texted everyone that we'll be back at the hotel." Niall said, eyeing me up and down.

"I like this shirt, reminds me of your username in Kik." I said, he smiled.

"Then it's all yours Babe." He said kissing my forehead.

"Wait, before we go, I wanna take a selfie with you." Niall said.

I dragged him to my dressing room.

"Gimme your phone." I demanded as he obeyed.

Niall was hugging me from my back and burying his head on my neck as I held his arms and snapped a mirror selfie together.

"Niall, it's done." I stated.

"I wanna stay like this, forever." He stated.

"Awe." I said as I faced him, grabbing his cheeks and kissing him.

His hands were in my hair as I put mine in his neck.

"We gotta go back." He said.

"We'll continue this later." I replied.

"But first.." I trailed.

"Pizza?" He said smirking.





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STFC: When It Rains By Paramore.

P.S: The Pic on the sidebar was their pose ;)

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