Chapter 31: Firery Karaoke Pt.1

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*after 2 Months*

Loganne's P.O.V

"Come On, Loganne, I'll just put eyeliner." Cat pleaded, we, meaning Cat, Niall, Me and Harry are going to a karaoke.

And Cat is chasing me because she wants to 'PRETTIFY' my face, she calls it prettify, I call it Caking.

"Just one swipe of eyeliner, pleeeaaasse?" She pleaded in her baby voice.

I rolled my eyes, "ugh fineee." I trailed out as she squealed.

"If you blind me, I'll pop your head like a Zit." I threatened as she looked at me with horror.

"Okay, I won't." She said as she pushed me into her seat, taking my (which she bought for me) eyeliner and putting it in my eye.

"Hey why won't we invite Louis and Liam, they aren't busy." I suggested.

"Ooo, I'll tell Harry about it." She said and winked.

"Are you done yet?" I said impatiently.

"Aand you're done." She squealed as she hugged me.

"You're gorgeous." She said.

"And You're Correct." I replied pointing at her.

Later on, Harry and Niall bursted to the doors, Harry lunged to Cat, complimenting her a LOT and Niall hugged me.

"Hey! You look handsome." I said, eyeing him up and Down.

"Thanks Baby Girl, You look gorgeous as always, Ohh and you're wearing heels." He said, kissing my cheek.

"Cat punished me to do this." I said emotionlessly, he chuckled as Harry and Cat went outside, we followed them quietly.

"Liam and Louis are waiting at the Karaoke." Harry said and greeted me.

"Oooo They're having a contest today, for who will sing the best, well, it needs to be a duo, PLEASEEEE LOGANNE CAN WE JOIN?!? PLEAAAAASE?" Cat literally cried in my ear, making me rub my poor ear.

"Ugh, I'm picking the song." I said, she nodded vigorously.

"Yay!" She squealed, making Harry chuckle, Damn, Cat may be my bestfriend and all but she can get annoying at times.

Harry pulled over at a parking space and we saw Louis and Liam from afar.

We all quickly rushed out of Harry's car as we went to Liam and Louis' place.

"Hey you guys!" I greeted as I hugged Liam and Louis, I haven't seen them in two months, Niall's been keeping me all for himself, selfish, I know.

"I miss you're SASSINESS!!" Louis said, hugging me tighter.

"Ouch, you're squeezing me." I complained, Louis chuckled.

"Hey, Louis get off her, I don't want my future wife to be hurt." Niall stated taking a seat beside Cat and me.

"What?" I asked.

"What?" He returned.

"Let's order." Niall said, taking the menu from the table, Liam, Louis and Harry chuckling at Niall and I's little scene.

"What did you say earlier?" I asked him.

"Uh, let's order?" He said with a 'Duh' tone.

"No, before that." I said.

"What?" He replied.

"No- bu- ye- wha-" I manage to choke out.

Niall looked at me innocently.

"Nevermind." I said, giving up.

Louis mouthed 'Smooth' to Liam, Harry and Niall, I ignored it.

"Niall, I'm getting a drink." I said standing up.

"I'll get it for you." Niall said standing up.

Liam mouthed 'Whipped' to Harry and Louis at the corner of my eye.

"No, It's fine babe, I'll get it myself, I need exercise anyway." I said as Harry bursted out laughing with Louis and Liam.

"What?" I asked. "This is the only exercise I get." I stated as Niall chuckled.

Niall's P.O.V

"Okay be safe baby girl." I told her, going back to my seat, beside Cat.

I Followed my eyes at her, making sure she's safe, as soon as she was out of sight, I examined the menu.

"Hi there." A fake brunette said to me, I looked at Liam, Louis and Harry as I looked back at the hoochie.

"Um, are you talking to me?" I asked as I pointed to myself, As Liam, Cat, Louis and Harry watched us carefully.

"Yes, you." She said as she fluttered her eyelashes.

What the fuck is wrong with her eyes.

Judging her, she has really a really short black dress, the little black dress is supposed to be classy, bot trashy, her boobs were on full view, she kind of like, pushing it into my face.

"You, know we can hang out, sometime, in my place." She said in a 'supposedly' seductive voice that makes we wanna shudder in disgust.

"Uh, he has a girlfriend you know." Cat said annoyed, I looked at her in a look that says 'Thank You.'

The hootchie glared at Cat. "Well, I don't see her around." She stated, winking at me.

Yuck, ew.

"Turn around." Loganne said behind her, the hootchie turned around.

"Now you see her." Loganne said, glaring at her with disgust.

"Oh, I don't see much." The hootchie retorted as Loganne stepped closer to her, Louis, Harry, Cat, Liam and I stood up, wanting no fights at this Karaoke bar.

"Hey, Look they have buffalo wings here, Yum." Louis 'tried' to change the subject poorly.

"Ooh, they have chocolate Ice cream, Loganne, look!" Liam tried to change the subject too, but the two girls were still glaring at each other.

"You know what, I don't want a fight." The hootchie calmly said, wow she must not know us.

"Then leave, slut." Loganne sneered.

"Burn!" Louis cheered behind her, making the hootchie glare at Louis but Louis glared back at her.

"Anyways, this is a Karaoke bar, why don't we make this fight into a sing off." The hootchie said.

"Deal." Loganne said proudly as she pushed the hootchie towards the stage, making the hootchie stumble because of her high stilettos.

We laughed at Loganne's action, Cat high fived her.

I can't wait for my Baby Girl to win.




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