Chapter 13: I'm used to the Pain, but I'm still crying.

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Loganne's P.O.V

I quickly changed into a skinny jeans, plaid shirt, black boots and a leather jacket.

I stepped out of my room.

"Wait, why aren't you all dressed up?" I asked Liam, Harry, Cat and Louis in the couch.

"Uhh, where are you going?" Cat asked.

I was about to answer when Niall interrupted.

"Come on Lili." Niall said, placing a hand on my waist.

"They're not coming?" I asked him.

"Nope, just the two of us." He said.

I was about to tell him something but he cut me off.

"Bye Guys!" He told them, earning a bye back at us.

As we walked outside the hotel a lot of fans were swarming us.

"OMG IT'S NIANNE!!" One fan shouted.

"LOGANNE I LOVE YOU!" Another one shouted.

"NIALL FUCK ME." and a bitch shouted.

And I thought I was blunt.

Me and Niall were having fun until I got a text from Dean.

"Niall, we need to go back." I said shakily.

He nodded and we went back to the van.

"Are you alright?" He asked, his eyes were on me then he fixed it back to the road.

"I don't know." I said truthfully.

As we went back to the hotel we were greeted by Liam.

"How'd it g-" but he was cut off by me, rushing to my room and slamming the door.

Later on, Louis was shouting.

"NIALL WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO?!?" Louis shouted.

"I did nothing, we were having fun and she suddenly got a text then demand to come back here." He explained calmly.

"OH MY GOD!" Cat suddenly shouted then, I heard footsteps towards my door.

She knocked.

"Loganne, are you okay in there?" She said on the other side of the door.

I opened the door, Cat stood there, I ignored her and made my way to Niall.

I wrapped my arms on his waist, hugging him.

"Thank you for today, Niall, I had fun." I told him sincerely.

I broke the hug and paces on the couch, Liam, Harry, Louis and Niall were looking at me with confused faces.

I paced back and forth.

"Loganne, we can get Ice Cream." Cat tried to cheer me up.

"HOW ABOUT YOU GET AWAY!" I barked at Cat, and she with the lads, flinched.

"Awe, Loganne, tell me what's wrong." She comforted me.

"Well, my Dad was missing, five years ago then, police men found him by the creek, dead." I said.

Cat hugged me as she rubs by back.

"I think I'm going to cry." I said as I lowered my head, rubbing my eyes as the tears spilled out.

"It's okay to cry, love." Harry said.

I cried, my head still low.

"I think I'm okay." I said, wiping my tears with my arm.

"No I'm not." I mumbled as I lay in the couch but my legs still in sitting position.

I covered my face through my hands, crying my heart out, this time everyone's beside me, then later on, they separated.

I took a peek at them, they all had tears in their eyes.

I wiped my tears once more, siting down properly and sighing.

"I think it's better if Loganne stays with her brothers for a while." Liam said, I just nodded and went straight to my room to fix my things.

"Can I help you pack?" Niall said leaning at the doorframe.

I stood up from my sitting position in bed, went to him and hugged him.

"Thank you for being there when I needed you Niall, for two years, even though I don't see you, Thank you for existing." I told him sincerely.

He just kissed my forehead and mumbled an 'Only for you.'

Niall helped me fix my things, Cat is also coming with me considering she's my best friend.

We were now at the elevator, Niall carrying my two other luggages for me, I had three luggages for this year's tour.

Harry knocked at my brothers door, Dean opened it, with Zayn behind him with his luggages.

I instantly wrapped my arms in Dean's waist, crying.

He hugged me back, also crying as he kissed my forehead.

I wiped my tears for the third time today.

I faces the lads, thanking them, saying goodbye for a while and hugging all of them starting from Louis, Harry, Liam, Zayn and Niall, Mine and Niall's hug was the longest.

They went back to their hotel room, bringing Zayn with them, and, us going inside.

I hugged all my brothers with Maria and Cat, as I went inside my new room which was Zayn's a while ago.

I sat down the bed, sighing miserably as I heard a buzz.

IrishMofo13: Loganne, the boys and I talked, we can Cancel the concert for you.

I.LAV.FOOD: no need, I don't wanna disappoint the fans, The concert will go on.

IrishMofo13: You're the strongest girl I know, always bear in mind that I love you.

I smiled at the last message, I stood up, changed into the clothes Cat picked for me to wear at the concert and I picked my leather jacket.

I am ready.




This is such a sad Chapter.

Song for the Chappie: In the Mourning by Paramore

I love you all so much.



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