Chapter 38: Worse than FBI

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Loganne's P.O.V

I scrolled through Twitter, grabbing a handful of peanut M&m's and stuffing em in my mouth.

One link caught my eye, it was a report about Niall walking to an unknown flat.

Who's flat is it?

I clicked on the link, setting the party sized bag of M&m's aside, focusing on my phone.

Niall Horan Cheating on Loganne Hurst?!

Was written in bold letters, making me arch my pierced eyebrow.

'Niall Horan was seen, walking inside a flat of an unknown blonde girl, some sources say it's only Niall's cousin, another source says it's Niall's secret affair and he's cheating on Loganne? What does it look like? Comment below.'

The article said, stupid articles.

I scrolled down, then a picture caught my eye.

At the exact window pane, Niall, My Niall was kissing Tiana as Tiana's legs were wrapped around him.

I felt a pang on my chest, Ouch.

Suddenly, I was having a hard time to breathe.

I threw my phone at the couch, standing up and making my way at Niall and I's room.

I rummaged through his closet, finding his jacket that has Tiana's number on it and saving it on my phone.


I saved the contacts, smirking at her name.

"Princess! I'm Home!" Niall called out, I think it's best to make him guilty first.

"Niall!" I cheered walking out of our room and lunging unto him.

"Woah." He said, stepping back because of the impact of me lunging unto him for a hug.

"I missed you so much." I exclaimed kissing his cheek, lips and forehead.

I saw a glint of guilt in his eyes.

This must be a sign.

"You tired?" I ask as he carried me to the couch.

"Yeah." He said slowly closing his eyes.

I massaged his shoulders and proceeded to his temples.

He's closing his eyes as I kept massaging his temples.

"You must be REALLY tired." I said.

"Uh hm." He replied, closing his eyes as I continued to massage.

I stood up, "you know what Niall? I'm gonna cook you chicken." I said, staring at his deep blue eyes.

"I Love you so much." I said kissing him.

"I Love you too Princess, I Love you too." He replied.

I turned my way to the kitchen, furrowing my eyebrows, he doesn't feel guilty.

I made my way to the kitchen to make some fried chicken.


"This is so good." Niall moaned.

"Compliments to the chef." He added.

"Thank you, thank you, anything for my fiancé." I said poshly.

He smiled, that twinkle in his eyes were showing, he kissed my temple.

"I Love You." He stated.

"I Love you too." I replied.

He isn't guilty, but what about the pic?


Ooohhh, what's Loganne up to??


Sorry I haven't been able to update these past few days because fuck my life, SCHOOL STARTED.

YAY! (Notice the sarcasm please.)

Soo yeahhhh....



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