Chapter Twenty Nine

Start from the beginning

"Gaston's spreading it around, as if to deflect blame for his son's name," Hades said, rolling his eyes. "Honestly why we got stuck on the same Isle as him I'll never know."

"I mean...he is a villain..."

"Yes but that doesn't mean that the few of us with braincells to rub together should be subjected to him for the rest of our lives!"

Sammy frowned slightly from her spot next to Harriet, the girls having continued their coloring at the kitchen counter. "That's not nice, Unca Hades."

"You can be mean to stupid people, Sammy," Hades said.

"Hades..." Persephone sighed, shaking her head. "I don't think Mollie and William want us teaching that to their daughter."

"That would be appreciated, Lady Persephone," Mollie nodded. While yes, she was aware of the rules of the Isle and that her daughter would have to grow up faster than she'd like to avoid being made a target, she still didn't want her sweet girl to grow up too fast.

Hades shook his head. "Well regardless of what we are or are not teaching the sunspots, we can still agree that Gaston talks far too much about his son."

Harry cooed from Milah's arms and everyone seemed to pause, as if they hadn't realized Milah was still holding her son.

"...Doesn't he need to nap too? I know Steph just put Mali down..."

Milah shook her head as Hades trailed off. "Apparently, he has learned from his sisters the lesson of not taking a nap," she said. "However...he will sleep through the night so I don't know if I should be impressed or worried."

"He's rather young to be sleeping through the night already isn't he?" Persephone said, tilting her head.

"He is," Milah nodded. " Mali sleeping through the night? There's only a few months difference between the babies—."



"Mali's a Godling," Persephone said gently. "It wouldn't be fair to compare the two to see if they were hitting milestones at the same time because they'll be different developmentally."

"Sides mama, we tire Harry out!" Harriet said with a proud smile.

Milah sighed and shook her head. "If I didn't know your brother was a baby, I'd think he was taking after you with his 'no naps' business," she told her daughter.

Jess shook her head. "Harri tells Harry not to take naps 'times, mama," she said.


"Well you do!"

Milah shook her head. "Why would you tell your brother not to take naps, Harriet?"

"...Cause I want to play with him mama," Harriet said softly. "I can't play with him if he's napping."

" sweet girl," Milah said. "I know you want to play with him but Harry's not big enough for you to play with him just yet. And naps are good for him, it helps him grow so he can become big enough to play with you."

"So then I no nap! Then I won't be bigger than him!" Harriet said proudly.

"Oh no missy," Hook said, shaking his head. "You and your sister need to take naps."


"Because if you don't, then mama and papa will lose their sanity."

"What's sanity?" Sammy asked softly as she looked over at her mom and dad.

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