: 🩷 • I met him.❞

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Author's pov:


Jungkook sighed.

Hoseok didn't seem to be in a good mood today and he could feel it just by looking at his face, he tried to ask him multiple times but he dodged it. But he is a Jeon, and they never give up.

"What's with you? You have been sulking from the time you arrived to class." He asked again, leaning forward on the table. They came to the library after the third class as there was no lecture till lunch.

"Sulking? Nah. I'm good." Jungkook pouted.

"Are you done with the painting?" Hoseok asked, glancing at the boy as he changed the topic.

He shook his head shamelessly, it was due tomorrow yet he hadn't started. Well, he had no motivation. This week was busy for him, he had a day out with his dad, attended a match, met Seokjin and hung out with him. There was nothing interesting to draw.

"It's due tomorrow, Jungkook." Hoseok reminded him, and he gave him a duh expression.

"I have no motivation, hyung. I think I will just back out. And anyways, there are others who are far better than me. So, sir will most likely not mind about me." Jungkook sighed, crossing his arms on the table and resting his head on them.

"Whatever. But I'm sure he would be happy if you turned in your assignment." Hoseok said and went back to taking notes.

"Leave that. How are you guys doing?" He asked, curiosity evident in his tone and face.


He rolled his eyes, "You and Yoongi hyung, duh."

Hoseok remained quiet for a second before replying, "I don't know, he hasn't texted me today. I'm worried."

Jungkook cooed, "Aww. I'm sure he is busy. Don't worry, hyung." He tried to reassure him, patting the back of his hand tenderly as he finally came to know the reason behind his bad mood. An arrow of sadness hit him as he realized how single he was and how eagerly he wanted to have a partner. Even he wanted to experience that love and care that was between his friends.

"By the way, how about we go to that restaurant that opened a few days ago for lunch?" Hoseok suggested and earned an excited nod from his friend. It was a fine dining restaurant after all and he had heard from his father that it was the most stylish and elegant restaurant he had ever seen in his life and that's why it was usually crowded.

"Hey look, Tan is here!" Jungkook heard someone almost scream, he immediately turned towards the entrance of the library and found his crush walking in like he owned the place, brushing his hair backwards and holding a thick book in his hand. He wore a white shirt underneath a beige cardigan paired with white pants and shoes. He looked dreamy and Jungkook was melting internally.

𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐒𝐄𝐂𝐑𝐄𝐓𝐒 . Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora