: 🍣 • Sushis & Starbucks.❞

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Author's pov:

The opera music filled the entire mansion. Uncle Hajun sat on his white couch with his legs apart as he sipped his martini cocktail with his eyes closed as he enjoyed the Italian atmosphere surrounding the living room. He had visited Italy for a business party held by his business friend Rudolph Argento, the old man was quite bewitched by the ethereal beauty of the country and their culture.

Mr. Min Hajun, guardian of Jimin, Taehyung and Tan, was the secretary of Jimin's Dad, the most trusted person of the Elysian family. When the three kids were going through a disastrous past, he was the one who decided to stand with them like a pillar. Since then, he had been looking after them, giving them parental love and trying to never give a chance for them to miss their parents.

A figure walked into the room interrupting his moment as he notified him, "Sir, they have arrived."

A smile made its way to his lips as he nodded and ordered, "Get some coffee for them and don't forget the bagels and donuts." The man nodded and headed to the kitchen.

And in the next moment, two young men made their way into the living room meeting his eyes. The broad smiles on their faces showed the intense love they had for this old man.

"Good evening, uncle." The two greeted in unison as they bowed at him showing their utter respect. The old man just chuckled and gestured to them to take a seat in front of him.

"Enjoyed the match?" He asked, placing his empty glass on the mini coffee table. Anyone who would come into this mansion would definitely love the transitional interior, the whole setup was giving off a comforting vibe.

Taehyung scoffed, "Of course, especially after the third quarter." Jimin quickly arched an eyebrow understanding what Taehyung meant, he shouldn't have trusted his cousin with this. Now he will definitely spread this crush thing to the whole world, he shook his head in dismay.

"Oh? Looks like Tan made your day." Uncle laughed, nodding at Jimin who reciprocated when internally he was hoping for Taehyung to not open his mouth, after all, this wasn't something to discuss with elders especially when it's not serious.

Taehyung laughed along and replied, "He did, but apart from him someone else made my day." He teased, flipping his hair while side-eying Jimin. Uncle Hajun grew curious as he laid his left leg on his right and asked about this person.

But before Taehyung could even answer , Jimin interrupted him, "Yeah! He found a girl, she was sitting next to him." Taehyung pushed his tongue to his left cheek as he looked at him getting sweaty, "And trust me uncle, his whole concentration was nowhere near his own little brother. Instead it was the whole time lingering on that girl."

Uncle broke into a fit of laughter as he gazed at Taehyung and heard Jimin continue, "Now didn't you teach us that family comes first? Look at him disobeying you!" He pointed at Taehyung like a five year old child, Taehyung found it cute but the way he turned the tables stunned him.

𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐒𝐄𝐂𝐑𝐄𝐓𝐒 . Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant