: 🍷 • Crush & Frustration.❞

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Author's pov:


His long slender fingers danced on the keyboard while his blue orbs were fixed on his laptop screen, his mind in a beautiful reverie starring the boy who humiliated him yesterday.

"Fuck," Jimin groaned, fisting his hair as he looked at his laptop screen, whatever he typed till now was all about the boy.

'He is so cute!!!!! I wonder what he is doing now. Ah, I can't help but think about him. Why?????????? He has been running in my mind since yesterday, oh god I can't focus!!!!!'

He looked down and cried ruffling his hair, he was so frustrated that he couldn't focus on his work. There was a meeting in an hour and he was afraid, what if he zoned out? What would everyone think of him? Taehyung and Falynn would make fun of him again.

Talking about Falynn, she had called him at midnight asking about his crush that Taehyung had informed her of. She had completely ruined his sleep schedule as she kept blabbering about how he would feel the whole day tomorrow and it seems like she was right.

He gently banged his forehead on the glass table with a whine, "Please, let me focus." He begged in his mind as he tried to shake away all the moments from yesterday.

He sat still for a moment before sitting back straight, composing himself and getting back to check the files when Taehyung barged into his office and slammed a file on his desk with a scowl decorating his face while he shut his laptop in a hurry and placed it aside.

"Here you go, fucker."

Jimin looked at the file and then at his cousin as he snorted, arched an eyebrow at him and asked, "Is this how you behave in front of the CEO, Mr. Kim?"

Taehyung scoffed and took a step back while shoving his hands inside his pants pocket and shot a glare at him, "Says the one who ordered the Chief Creative Officer to do a background check on his crush and submit it by this morning or may I say, during the working hours." He said with a tight smile fixated on his lips.

Jimin cleared his throat as he tore his gaze away from him and faltered, "Thank you for your hard work, Mr. Kim. You can get back to your wo-"

He was interrupted by another slam on his desk, "Can your thank you stop my yawns and vanish the tiredness in my body, Mr. Park?" He questioned, hitting his index finger on the desk making Jimin sigh and hold the bridge of his nose.

He hissed, "Taehyung-ah, I'm sorry, okay? Please don't be mad at me." He pleaded, showing his big doe glistening eyes which Taehyung ignored. He added, "How about I make an appointment for you at a spa?"

Taehyung's eyes lit up and a smile was plastered on his lips immediately. He winked at Jimin and blew a kiss at him, "I surely need that. Thanks," He uttered, skipping his way out of the office leaving him to sigh and slump in his seat.

𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐒𝐄𝐂𝐑𝐄𝐓𝐒 . Where stories live. Discover now