Cop II Charles Leclerc

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*Warnings: Illegal activities, language, car crashes, incredibly inaccurate driving descriptions


This was heaven on earth, the vibrations and adrenaline coursing through my body as I accelerated reaching speeds that were way past legal was the only way to find happiness now. Or at least, that's what it felt like. 

The roaring of the car as you drove across the tunnel made your chest vibrate making you laugh at the sensation you enjoyed so much all until you saw those all too familiar red and white lights. 

"Sh*t" Stopping the car once outside the tunnel you pulled over putting your hands up and outside the vehicle already so accustomed to the procedure.

"AGAIN?" You weren't surprised to see your dad standing beside the car. 

"Hey, Dad." You casually smiled at him. 

"Don't hey dad me! This is the 5th time this month you've been pulled over for speeding and reckless driving and I told you I wasn't going to let it go anymore." He angrily scolded you. 

"Arrest me then." You shrugged really not caring about the consequences. 

You weren't always like this, you were once a straight-A student studying to become a doctor, in love with your boyfriend who was so successful in his own career. You loved people and caring for them is something you aspired to, you were incredibly close as a family and everything made sense, life was amazing until your mom got cancer. Watching the woman you looked up to your whole life, the strongest woman you'd ever met deteriorate day by day, watching your dad work day and night for her treatments to find a cure was mentally, emotionally, and physically draining. You decided to step aside from studying so all the money would go to your mom's hospital bills and you were like a stay-at-home nurse for her, your boyfriend had offered time and time again to pay for the medical bills knowing well what it was like to have a parent drink away but you shut down and shut him out breaking up with him and pushing him away so you wouldn't be distracted from saving your mother. But all efforts, prayers, and thoughts were useless when one night when you were alone she stopped fighting. 

Your dad was working the night shift and having to call him and tell him the love of his life was gone was one of the hardest things you'd ever had to do. You expected to grieve next to your dad and cry in his arms except he decided to put on a brave face immediately "taking care" of everything, the funeral, the bills, and not once even asking how you were coping. Charles had called you repeatedly trying to check up on you and hating the fact that he was away for 3 consecutive weekends unable to come and be there for you. But to you, life stopped making sense, and you didn't understand how you were supposed to become a doctor if you couldn't even save your mom. 

It wasn't long after the fact that your dad was barely home and you were left with nothing but your own thoughts in the home where your mother died, leading you to look into other hobbies.

"GET OUT OF THE CAR!" your dad yelled at you. 

"Yes sir." You laughed. 

As soon as you got out your dad grabbed your arm roughly. "You think this is funny?" He was fuming. 

"Not at all, sir." You replied and you could swear you could see the smoke coming out of your dad's ears. 


That was his last straw, as an alternative to you being locked up your dad had gotten you to do community service, every day you'd been walking around the Monegasque streets picking up trash, cleaning up after the rich, and keeping everything picture perfect. 

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