I don't II Daniel Ricciardo

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A/N: Extremely cheesy content ahead...enjoy xx 


"It's not too late yet." You heard his voice behind you as you simply stood in front of the mirror looking at yourself for the last 20 minutes. When you had pictured yourself standing in a wedding dress you'd imagined to be feeling completely different than you did now. 

"It is, and you know it is." You turned to see him, looking incredibly handsome in his black tailored suit. 

"You don't have to do-" Daniel walked towards you. 

"I do Daniel, I literally do. There is no plan B for me, Daniel, it's this or nothing." You explained to him again for what felt like the umpteenth time frustrated with yourself and the situation. 

Daniel knew, he knew all about your family ties, their rules, and riches. He'd been lucky enough to meet you simply because your family had chosen to invest in the team he was in and as always you'd had to show up all pretty and decorated to represent the happy and successful family you were. 

You had dreams and ambitions but they didn't matter when your parents had a plan that you were meant to follow just like every other member of your family had done. They'd let you study, but you weren't to work, you weren't to find a job or anything of the sort and simply wait until your family found someone good enough to marry you off to so they're success could grow, their ultimate and only goal. 

"I can take care of you," Daniel repeated, he meant it, he didn't care what anyone would say as long as he could make sure you were happy, you deserved it. 

"And then what Daniel? I have nothing going for me, and when you find someone to spend the rest of your life with what the hell am I meant to do? Just sit there and look pretty? We'd be back in square on." You argued. 

Of course, running off with Daniel and abandoning your family seemed like an excellent plan but you had to think in the long run. Your parents had warned you what could happen if you ever decided to go against their will, they had complete and total control of you, your life, your name. You'd long ago accepted the only reason they'd had you was so the family name could keep growing and never die, there was no love in all of this and you'd learned to live with it. 

And you'd regretted this day, the day they'd basically sell you off to another family to retake the same role except now with the purpose of having babies. And they'd picked a man, a man that lived halfway across the world, boring and sexist as they came. 

"Look I know what you think, it's not too late and my offer will stand for you to take whenever you want it, whether it's today or tomorrow I can and want to take care of you." Daniel insisted. 

"I'm sorry Daniel." You weren't sure what you were apologizing for as you cupped Daniel's cheek in your hand. "I'm not as strong as you think I am." You rubbed his cheek, your heart broke at the thought of losing him, never seeing him again. 


At some point you'd managed to detach yourself, your body moving automatically as you walked down the aisle faking a smile the way you were so used to. A knot formed on your throat as you passed Daniel who looked at you with pity in his eyes. 

Your dad left you at the altar, kissing your cheek as a loving gesture that he only ever performed for the cameras. You took your fiancés's hands as you'd rehearsed so many times before and the priest started speaking. 

You zoned out completely, your body and mouth moving on their own as you simply tried to accept what was coming. 

"I do." You heard your fiancé say accepting your hand in marriage. 

That was enough to snap you back to reality. 

"Now do you, y/n y/l/n take Preston Layne Carter as your lawfully wedded husband until death do you apart?" The priest asked you. 

Your breath caught in your throat. You were frozen and panic was settling in. "I-" you stuttered. 

You felt the way Preston squeezed your hands tighter, you looked to the crowd and you could see the anger and panic in your parents' eyes at your hesitation. The crowd started to gasp at the scene. 

And then you found his eyes and they held nothing but reassurance. "No." you finally spoke. You caught yourself by surprise and you knew you'd just defined the next chapter in your life. "I don't." 

You pulled your hands away from Preston who looked like he wanted the earth to swallow him whole. 

You looked to the crowd again and Daniel stood in the middle of the aisle. "Let's go." he smiled as he extended his hand out to you. 

Everyone gasped around you. "y/n- if you dare!" Your father spoke in rage. 

But you didn't let him finish his threat as you kicked your heels off, ran down the altar, ripped the veil off your head, and held your dress up as you reached out for Daniel. 

Happiness invaded your body as your hands made contact, Daniel pulling you with him as you both ran out of the overly decorated chapel. 

The car meant to take you and Preston away stood at the foot of the stairs. Just Married written across the side of the car. 

"Hop in my love." Daniel opened the door for you before he hopped on the other side, the keys in the ignition. 

You could hear cameras flashing, and people filing out of the chapel but never once did you look back as Daniel pressed on the accelerator and drove you away to freedom. 


I know this is super short but it's been in my drafts literally for forever and I wanted to just get it out tbh ;) 

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