You promised (P2) II Lando Norris

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TW // drowing, death 

Lando POV II 

"Remember when we told you y/n and I couldn't actually remember how we met?" Lando looked to Dani who nodded. "Well, that was a lie." 

"What do you mean?" Daniel asked. 

"Y/n and I met at a café." I began. "I was waiting to have a session with my therapist and y/n was sitting at the table beside me and turns out she was too, we waited and waited exchanging smiles and glances..." 

"Are you waiting for anyone?" I asked her 

"Yeah actually, my therapist but he should've been here 40 minutes ago."  she laughed, the most angelic sound I'd ever heard. 

"Well weird because I am too," I told her. 

"Our therapist never showed up we ended up sitting together, that was the start of our friendship. I don't know why but that day y/n trusted me enough to open up." Lando still didn't understand it to this day, why him? Why then? "y/n lived alone, she lost her parents when she was 12 3 days after her birthday when her parents decided to surprise her with a boat trip on the weekend, a small boat her parents had just been able to save enough money for." 

I could see as the boys began piecing things together, sharing a look of concern. 

"It was a great day, they saw all sorts of fish and dolphins, and y/n was having the best time of her life, The sun was going down and they were heading back to shore when the boat malfunctioned, y/n's mother was thrown overboard after the boat abruptly stopped, her father jumping in after her, y/n could see smoke coming out of the back of the boat where there was now a big whole and it didn't take long for it to start taking in water. y/n could make out the shore that was so close yet so far and there were waves coming in that started tossing them around. Her dad tried getting to her while also holding his mum up but with all the swirls and all the panic they got separated." 

I looked down at y/n looking so peaceful in my arms, It broke my heart to imagine she had been through that. "Luckily someone at shore saw the boat go down and they sent a rescue team as soon as they could but once they arrived everyone was unconscious, y/n was lying face down in the water but they only had one defib and they used it on Y/n to revive her by the time they got to shore her parents were pronounced dead." 

"Oh my god." Max brought his hand up to his mouth, his brows furrowed in pity. 

"She's avoided even getting close to the sea since then, she's afraid of swimming, afraid of drowning again and every time it nears her birthday she gets nightmares, flashbacks of what happened that day. That's why she didn't want to come to your party, but she recognized she cared for you more than her fears so she came and I promised her that I would keep her safe, I promised her so many times that I wouldn't let anything happen to her and-" I chocked up with anger and sadness. 

"Mate I am so so sorry." I could see Daniel tearing himself apart over this. 

"Don't, I know you didn't mean any harm and she does too. This was my fault, Maybe I should've told you, I shouldn't have gone to the bathroom-" I started blaming myself. 

"This wasn't your fault, it was no one's fault it was an accident, no one meant her harm and we can only make sure she knows that," Max told everyone. 

"When did you fall in love with her?" Scotty asked me.

Daniel's and Max's head snapped to him as if he was out of his mind. 

I looked at Scotty and couldn't help but smile. "How did you know?" I asked him.

"The way you look at her...that's the same way I look at Chloe and she's my world, my entire universe, I love her so much it almost hurts." Scotty smiled talking about his partner. 

"The second I laid eyes on her, I knew I was in love," I revealed. 

Little did I know y/n was awake to hear those words. 



Butterflies fluttered in my stomach at hearing Lando's confession. I had been awake since he started retelling my story, I was emotionally drained so I didn't want to open my eyes. I wasn't angry Lando was telling them what happened, I loved these boys a lot and I knew that at some point I was going to have to talk about it with more people for my own healing. 

I also knew how much this weighed on Lando. I never meant to put such a burden on him, having him take care of me the way he did but he was the first person after my parents that I trusted with my whole soul and being. 

I also didn't blame him or anyone for what happened but I was just so scared and I hated so much what happened that when I was in Lando's arms it seemed easy to just remind him what he promised, my panic and fear getting the better of me. 

I wanted to hug him and hold him and apologize for making him feel responsible but hearing him speak gave me peace so I remained still in his arms. 

After Lando said he loved me the conversation with the boys lasted a few more seconds before they left.

"Did you mean that?" I spoke and I could see the surprise in Lando's face when he looked down and saw me awake, my eyes puffy and swollen from all the crying I'd done before. 

"Did you hear everything?" He asked.

I sat up but still remained on his lap. "Yeah, most of it." 

I could swear I saw Lando's heart skip a beat. 

"Did you mean it? What you said?" I asked again nervously looking down and fiddling at the bed sheets. 

"That I'm in love with you?" Lando asked. 

I looked up at him then, we both shared the same nerves in our eyes. I nodded 

"Yeah...I do." He revealed. 

My head popped up to meet his gaze once more, I felt my cheeks grow warm, I wondered if I got as red as I felt. 

"I love you too." my voice came out a little squeakier than I intended but the happiness and warmth that filled my entire body made my mind fuzzy. 

It was Lando's turn for his head to pop up in surprise. 

"Since when?" He asked, his lips curling into a smile. 

I shrugged, I honestly don't remember when I realized what I felt for Lando was more than just friendship. "I don't know." I was honest. "I guess I always kind of knew but I was too scared to admit it." 

Lando looked down with a goofy smile on his face, I could see the gears turning in his head and I wondered what exactly he was thinking. But a few seconds after basking in the confession I saw his smile drop and his eyes met mine once more. 

"Are you okay?" He asked concern in his eyes again. "I'm so sorry I wasn't there to stop Daniel I-" 

I had no idea what came over me but the next thing I knew I'd leaned forward and captured Lando's lips with mine. 

Lando was completely taken by surprise initially but after realizing what was happening he curled his arm around my waist pulling me towards him and I ended up straddling him. 

"I love you so much." Lando's fingers combed my hair back as he whispered against my lips. 

"I love you more." I weaved my own fingers through his curls as I pulled him back for more. 

It was fair to say my last memory on a boat wouldn't be so bad after all. 



Hehe, I'm teasing you guys a little with the suggestive content at the end but it's also a smart way to plug my Tumblr where you guys can find pure smut ;) 

There's a link to my Tumblr page on my profile or you can find me as @ changetyre on there ;) 

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