Daycare II Lando Norris

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I started a Mafia AU Charles story on tumblr and thought about posting it here but not sure if you guys would be interested in that, would you guys want to read it?  


Opening TinyTots daycare had been a hard process for you, especially at such a young age but having a mother who owned a primary school had helped you gain loads of experience. You loved children so as soon as you got all your certifications and qualifications you opened your daycare. 

It'd had gone splendidly so far, after 3 years of being open and having located yourself in a very good place in town you'd gotten your fair share of clients and been able to slowly expand. 

Kids were...special. There was certainly never a dull day at the daycare with the kids finding new things to do, learn, and talk about and it was your favorite thing to see the little toddler discovering new things and themselves. You'd had scares working with kids, too many for your liking with kids putting anything they could find in their mouths, kids falling, kids throwing things, kids with rashes, kids throwing up...the list was endless but it was expected when handling tiny humans. 

Something you had yet to face though was a missing parent. Well, you might be exaggerating, of course you'd previously had parents arrive late to pick up their children, the longest being 2 hours but right about now where you sat with little Mila Norris the 4-hour mark had just passed and there was no word from either Oliver or Savannah. 

Luckily you'd done well in entertaining her and even though her friends weren't here to play with her, she didn't seem to notice the worry that was slowly growing bigger in you. 

If the clock hits the 6-hour mark you should probably phone the police...or should you take Mila home? Is that considered kidnapping? Wait she must have grandparents right or wait maybe there are more phone numbers in her files-

"HELLO?" Your thoughts were interrupted when a loud voice could be heard at the entrance. 

"Uhm may I help you?" You kept an eye on Mila as you walked to the front desk to talk to whoever appeared. 

"Uh wow-" You noticed a slight blush creep on his cheeks as he saw you. "hi I came to pick up-" 

"LALA!" You heard little Mila behind you as she cheered happily trying as fast as she could to get up before running over. 

"Mila!" the man sighed as he saw the little girl. 

"Uhm, sorry who are you?" Despite the fact Mila recognized the man you couldn't just hand her off to a random stranger without a word from her parents before. 

"Sorry, I'm Lando Norris, Uh Oliver is my brother, and Mila she's my niece." Lando spoke out of breath, it was clear he had been in a rush. 

"Uh...look I'm sorry I hope you understand but I can't just hand Mila off to someone without being previously notified. Did her parents hand you a note or-" You began explaining as you picked up Mila in your arms. 

"They got in an accident so -" 

"WHAT? Oh my god, are they okay?" Worry filled you again. 

"Oh yeah, no I mean they're fine it was a minor popped tire and the car ended up in a ditch but they got caught up and since there was no signal Oliver had to walk for a while and he called Flo but she's not in town and my younger sister she's too young and I'm not normally in town but it just-" Lando started rambling. 

"Do you maybe have ID?" You interrupted him before he could finish. 

"YES!" He clapped excitedly startling you with the sudden energy. "Sorry, yeah it's in my car let me...I'll-" he pointed behind him before turning around and running out. 

"Ahh Mila if that's your uncle he's cute but silly isn't he?" You spoke to a toddler in your arms who simply giggled not understanding you completely. 

He came rushing back in tripping over the carpet in the entrance before stumbling to the front desk again. "Here...uh my license." He passed it to you. 

You couldn't hold back the giggle that escaped you at his clumsiness and you could see it amused him to see you laugh as you took a look at his ID. 

Norris Kinder Lando  

you read his name along with the rest of his information before checking Mila's files and the names the parents added under the list of possible guardians in case of emergencies, his name luckily being in that list. 

"Oh and look." Lando took out his phone rushedly looking through it before showing you a picture. 

You took his phone and saw a picture of what looked to be his family, Oliver and Savannah were there along with Mila and Lando was clearly there with some other people. This seemed to convince you enough. 

"Nanny!" You heard Mila shout as she pointed at a lady in the picture. 

"Yeah...that's uh her mom and yeah Oliver's mom-" Lando was going to start rambling again. 

"Yeah...your name is in her files. I'll just collect her things." You offered Lando a smile trying to ease his nerves. 

After finally getting Mila's bag and her shoes on you handed her over watching him struggle as you gathered your things to close up. 

He struggled to adjust and carry everything you handed him apart from the fact that Mila started tugging at his hair. 

"Uhm do you need a hand?" You asked him after putting on your coat. 

"Yes please." He answered almost desperately making you laugh. You took Mila's bags back leaving him only with the toddler before following him out. 

You saw an extremely nice car outside next to yours Lando walked to open the car door before putting Mila in the backseat where a car seat was placed surprisingly correctly. 

"This is one of the other reasons I took too long, I watched several tutorials on how to put this thing in properly and I couldn't find many for a McLaren." he nervously laughed as he struggled to strap Mila into the seat itself. 

"Here let me help you." you handed him Mila's bag. "Mila, can you sing me the itsy bitsy spider please?" You asked Mila excitedly to which she happily obliged moving her hands out the way for you as she sang along with the gestures. 

You quickly strapped her up making sure everything was tight enough but not hurting her just in time for her to finish up the song. 

"Good job darling!" you clapped for her as she happily giggled. 

"'re...good at that." Lando sighed, nervousness still present in his voice. 

"Have you ever taken care of her alone before?" You ask him.

He turns to you before letting out a breath he'd been holding in and laughing. "Is it that obvious?" he asks.

"I think you're doing a great job all things considered." You laughed with him trying to ease his nerves. 

"I don't think this was a great first impression...but would you maybe consider accepting an invitation to dinner?" Lando asked you. 

You hoped the warmth that rushed to your face wasn't as visible as it felt. "Lucky for you a guy who's good with kids isn't my top priority...right now." You joked. "I'd love to." 

Lando smiled proudly. "Good...great...yeah." He babbled. "I'm good with kids by the way it's just...I've never had to take care of one alone." he tried to defend himself. 

"Text me, Lando." You replied walking away to your own car. 

"I don't-" 

"Savannah has my number." You winked surprised by your own sudden confidence. 

"LALA!" Lando's goofy smile was interrupted by his niece yelling for his attention which you took as an opportunity to get in your car. 

"See you soon...Lala." You joked as you drove away excited for the possible date to come. 


I've been having a huge writer's block hence the lack of posting but I've had this story in the drafts for so long that I thought I'd just put it out for you guys even though I don't like it but I hope you enjoy it.  

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