You promised II Lando Norris

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"DAD!!!!!" I managed to yell before I was under the water again, swallowing a lot of water in the process.

The waves were relentless barely giving me a second to breathe before another one pulled me down and swirled me under the water. It had full control of me pulling and pushing me wherever it desired and I could only watch and listen as my family screamed and gasped for air just like me.

"Y/N!! HOLD ON!!" I heard my mom yell in one of the times I managed to come up and gasp for air.

I was pulled back down and this time it felt way longer than the rest, It felt like something was holding me underwater now with full force, I could see them... Mom and Dad were under the water as they were pulled further and further away from me no matter how hard I tried to reach them.

I gasped for air as I sat up. My heart was beating extremely fast as I tried to take in my surroundings, realizing my mind had done it again. It had once more brought me back to the worst day of my life. I closed my eyes taking deep breaths and trying to calm my breathing. You'd think after years of going through the same thing when approaching my birthday I'd learn how to handle it, how to stop it but it never ever got any easier.

I sat on my bed a few seconds before I was yanked out of my thoughts by someone bursting through the door. "MORNING!!!!" Lando yelled necessarily loud as he jumped on the bed next to me.

It annoyed me how giddy he could be in the mornings but I couldn't help but smile at my best friend's antics. "Hey." My voice came out weaker than I intended and even though he made me smile Lando could also see right through me, he knew me better than anyone, and he was one of the few people who knew my story, the only person who knew the whole story.

"Another nightmare?" Lando sat up as soon as he recognized the fear and sadness in my eyes.

I only nodded hugging my legs closer to my chest looking down and avoiding his gaze.

"Hey." Lando moved to sit in front of me. He combed his fingers through my hair pushing it behind my ears as he went to cup my face gently pulling my face up for me to face him. "You're okay, I'm here with you okay? Nothing's going to happen to you, I promise. I won't let anything happen to you."

I couldn't help but tear up at Lando's words, no matter how many times he had gone through the process of comforting me his words still had the same if not a bigger impact on me every time. I fell forward curling into Lando's lap. "Thank you," I whispered as Lando combed my hair and rubbed a comforting hand down my side.


"Pleaseeeeeee do it for me! It's going to be so much fun!" Daniel had yet again come to approach me and Lando trying to convince me to attend his birthday party. Ever since Dan and Lando had become teammates Daniel had become really close to me, almost like an older brother and I loved him like one too. I hadn't missed many of the big parties he loved to throw but this one was different.

"I told you Dan I really can't I have an important showing that day." I lied, I didn't really but what else could I tell Daniel? The truth? No thanks. 

"You have to come y/n it's the big 33 The Daniel Ricciardo number, it's going to be the best party ever. " Daniel pleaded.

"Mate I'm sure she can celebrate with you some other time, right y/n?" Lando tried to help me out. He knew exactly why I didn't want to go and he understood too.

"It's not the same thing. Pretty please y/n, I really want you to be there." Daniel ended up kneeling down in front of me.

I felt guilty, I felt bad that my fears and my past were stopping me from celebrating and being there for one of the most important people in my life, someone who'd quickly become like an older brother to me. "I'll think and see what I can do," I spoke before really realizing what I'd done.

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