Ma Petite II Leclerc!Fam

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"This is so unfair." Your brother cried in anger beside you. 

"Charles I'm so sorry." You felt his anger. 

"How am I supposed to protect the now? It was the only way I could and I-" he rubbed his face frustratedly. 

"Charles listen to me." You walked forward cupping his face in your hands and looking up at him. "You can't always protect everyone Chacha." You spoke softly. 

He hated to hear it but he knew he was right. "No, but I can try my hardest." He pulled you into his chest. 

"And you have, you've tried your hardest and you've done brilliantly If anyone can say that it's me. All you can do now is be there for them and I know you'll be okay, They'll be okay because they have you and that makes them the luckiest people in the world." You shed a tear. 

"You'll always be my petite you know." Charles wiped your tears. 

"Yeah, I know." You laughed/cried with him. "Thank you, Chacha for everything." You hugged him tighter. 


Months before: 

Being the youngest Leclerc certainly came with its perks, but at a young age when you're growing into your body and turning into a woman seeing all your friends go on dates and getting boyfriends while the boys would run off as soon as they faced your brother being the youngest and only girl with 3 older brothers suddenly felt like the worst thing in the world.  

It seemed ridiculous really since you were only a year and a half years younger than Arthur and the older two brothers really seemed to have no problem with him getting girlfriends and dating around. 

You love your brothers, dearly, You're even extremely close to Charles who is so overprotective of you that he seemed more like your bodyguard than anything but god were you thankful when Arthur and Charles finally got into racing full time since it meant you were finally free of watchful eyes and for the first time in what felt like entirely too long you were able to go on a date without the fear of having one of your brothers pop up unannounced and scare the guy away. 

Luckily Lorenzo, or Enzo as you were more used to calling him was a little saner and mature never really having a problem with you having a romantic life and really never prying into your personal life and minding his own business, of course, This didn't mean he wasn't watchful of you he just made sure to make his support and love known from a far reminding you he was but a call away if you ever needed anything from the most minimal thing to an emergency. 

Your brothers were your favorite people in the world and realistically you knew you couldn't live a day without them, The thought scared you already too familiar with losing people in your life, Jules, Antoine, and your dad all people you thought about daily and who's loss never seemed to get any less painful with time. So perhaps that's why you never truly complained or fought with your brothers about their overprotectiveness, because deep down you knew it came from a place of love, a place of trying to be that figure your father wasn't able to be before he was gone. 

You knew they were trying their hardest and you would never forgive yourself for staying mad at them and then seeing them get hurt or worse on a weekend away. Yes, you did go watch your brother race sometimes but honestly the nerves you felt being in the garage were almost unbearable as you always found yourself almost physically sick with worry that you much preferred to watch them race at home next to your mother. 

So the breaks were always fun, The summer break was always your favorite since the boys made sure to spend at least a week back home with the whole family and it all became more fun when the boys brought their girlfriends. You were incredibly fond of Charlotte, Lorenzo's girlfriend, Carla, Arthur's girlfriend, and Alex, Charles's girlfriend. 

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