Talk to me II Daniel Ricciardo

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**TW// Sexual Assault 


"What else do you want? I might be walking through the frozen section right now..." your boyfriend spoke through the phone. 

"Dani! you know I'm trying to hold back from ice cream don't tempt me." You tried to put on your most serious tone but failed miserably. 

"Yeah, and I think it's stupid but fine I won't get any." Daniel reassured you despite the fact you could hear him opening a fridge door and you would bet 1,000 dollars a few tubs of ice cream would appear in your freezer later today. 

10- 1 , Code 3 in progress come in. 

"Baby I gotta run, love you." You quickly said goodbye to your boyfriend while your partner responded to the radio call and started driving. 

"be careful, love you." he quickly said before you hung up. 


Arriving at the scene you saw there was a heavily intoxicated man being aggressive in the parking lot where there were a lot of people, children included. 

You quickly stepped out of your car, your hand ready to grab your taser in case needed. 

"Sir, put your hands up." You spoke loudly and clearly catching the guy's attention who had just thrown a glass bottle at a tree causing shards of glass to fly everywhere luckily not hurting anyone. 

"Fuvinmeolkds" he muttered incoherences as he kept punching into thin air. 

"Sir put your hands up where I can see them!" Your partner repeated loudly. 

The man started laughing but put his hands up as you and your partner began approaching. 

"Do you have any wea-" Your partner started asking as you got closer but he couldn't finish his sentence before the man had put his arms down again and reached towards you squeezing your breasts tightly. 

You screamed in pain shoving his hands off at the same time as your partner tackled him down. You had to quickly compose yourself despite the overwhelming frustration, and anger flooding you, grabbing your cuffs and arresting the man. 

As you walked him to the back of your police car you couldn't help but simply feel impotent holding in tears from what had happened. 

"Are you okay?" Your partner asked you as you got back in the car. 

"Yeah...I'm fine." Your voice was shakier than you intended but you hoped he'd let it go and to your luck he did. 

Back at the station, the man was charged with public disturbance and assault on a police officer where he had to sit and give a statement before being told to head home early.


You tried your best to hold everything in as you approached home, the incident kept replaying in your head and you felt physically in pain but not wanting to look inside your shirt despite knowing you would probably bruise. You felt completely and utterly disgusting but you tried your hardest to shake off the feeling. 

Daniel was only home for extended periods of time a couple times a year and given your job you were barely able to go to races with him so when he was home you always wanted to have the best time with him and you knew something like this would only damper the mood, ruining the dinner Daniel had planned for you. 

Coming inside you tried to put on your best smile knowing you'd have to walk past Daniel quickly for him not to notice something was wrong. Because he always knew when something was wrong. 

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