Here for you II Lando Norris

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*Requested by Anonymous


"y/n where the hell have you been?" Lando scolded you as you walked into your shared apartment avoiding eye contact. 

Since Lando was barely at home he had let you stay at his place with him it was a way to keep the place clean and in use when he was away but you were also close as siblings so it was a good way for you to spend time together whenever he got back to the UK. 

"Out." You answered shortly going straight to your room where you slammed the door shut and locked the door. 

Lando had been worried, he'd arrived expecting you to be there but when you weren't home he knew you were probably out with your new boyfriend who had you head over heels. Lando wasn't fond of the idea of you getting a boyfriend ever simply because he was just so overprotective of you but he wasn't fond of the current relationship you had. 

Thomas, the guy you were dating was a boy you'd met at university, and from the moment Lando met him he didn't like him and he told you that much. He hadn't particularly done anything wrong but Lando just had the feeling. You of course being excited and young about going out with an attractive guy didn't care for what Lando had to say knowing he was never gonna truly be happy with anyone you picked. 

Nevertheless, you had never been dragged so deep into a guy before Thomas, he was sweet and caring to you, he constantly wanted to take you out to dinner and brought you flowers and you had fallen hard for him. He was the first ever guy you ever felt comfortable enough with to post on your social media knowing that you were closely watched simply for being Lando's sister. You had grown your fan base who liked to take the mick out of your brother just like Max F's fans. 

Thomas had also posted you, often making sweet and loving posts that had your followers going wild for the blossoming relationship. 

So Lando was confused and mad when you arrived and all but ignored him before locking yourself into your room. 

"Y/N!" Lando went to slam on your door. He could hear his phone pinging in his pocket ignoring it so that he could focus on you. 

"FUCK OFF LANDO!" You yelled back. 

Lando knew something was wrong, of course, you were often jokingly mean to each other but when you shut yourself off like this he knew it wasn't because of any little thing. 

"OPEN THE DOOR!" Lando yelled back still feeling the way his phone was going crazy in his pocket.  

"LANDO LEAVE ME ALONE!" You yelled back and this time Lando could hear the way your voice was shaky and weak only making him grow in concern. 

Lando was going to yell again but his phone started ringing. He scoffed annoyed but checked to see who it was and he saw Max F calling him. 

"Max I'm kinda bu-" Lando was about to start. 

"Is it true?" Max asked cutting him off. 

"Is what true?" Lando asked confused. 

"Mate twitter's going crazy," Max answered him. 

"What are you on about?" Lando asked annoyed putting Max on speaker before swiping to check Twitter. 

Lando panicked when he saw his sister's name trending. "did the scum bag cheat on her?" Max asked Lando again. 

Lando ignored him as he started scrolling through the tweets, there were pictures of Thomas with another girl at dinner, then some of y/n arriving, and then of Thomas and y/n arguing outside the restaurant before y/n left in tears. 

"Son of a- Max I'll call you back." Lando hung up. 

"Y/N OPEN THE DOOR!" Lando yelled again slamming both fists into the door, maybe he should've taken a gentler approach but the anger was getting the better of him. 

This time you didn't yell back but Lando could hear your sniffling. "Y/n please open the door or I swear I'm going to that pig's apartment and setting it on fire." 

He stayed silent waiting for a reply or any noise for a few seconds. "You won't." He then heard your voice say quietly. 

"Alright see you in a few-" Lando half joked as he started walking towards the door to head out. 

"LANDO WAIT!" He heard you yell before hearing your door open. "Please don't do anything stupid." He saw your red puffy face which broke his heart. 

"Come here." Lando opened his arms for you and it didn't take you long to give in and run over. Lando engulfed you in a tight hug which was enough to have you in tears again. 

"I'm sorry y/n. I hope you know it's not your fault." Lando whispered to you kissing the top of your head in comfort. 

"It probably was...she's way prettier anyway." He heard you mutter in his chest. "I haven't worked out for a few weeks now because of exams and I've been having breakouts and my hair-" 

"Shut the fuck up right now." Lando stopped you. He forcefully but gently pulled you away from him so he could look you straight in the eyes. "Do not say another word like that about yourself." Lando had to physically calm himself down from the anger that consumed him at the fact that Thomas was making you doubt yourself like this. 

"I just...maybe I'm just not pretty or good enough," you said in a very low tone fearing Lando would lose it. And he nearly did. 

"Listen to me," Lando said clearly bending down slightly to reach your eye level. "First of all if a guy is ever with you simply for your looks you're wasting your time, secondly you do not let all..ever...under any circumstance make you doubt yourself, your worth, and your capabilities. You're the smartest person I know y/n, the most beautiful and kind, loving person in the whole world and I can say that because I've been to loads of places." Lando spoke making you laugh at the last bit. "You're incredible, and I pity anyone who's too dumb to see it." Lando hugged you again. 

"Thank you." You whispered into his chest. 

"I love you, you're my little sister and I won't let anyone ever hurt you like that again I promise," Lando said firmly. 

"You can't promise that." You laughed. 

"I can and I will." Lando was so sure of himself. "You're not allowed to date anyone ever again." Lando then added. 

You gasped before slapping Lando's arm playfully. "No fair!" You had to hold back your smile. 

Lando laughed. "Only way I can fulfill my promise." He shrugged. 

You furrowed your brows at him but shrugged as well. "Hmm lucky you I don't feel like dating anyone least for a long time." You sighed. 

Lando heard your words but they didn't sound delightful like they always thought they would sound, it kind of hurt him again to know how Thomas had affected your feelings towards love like this. "Okay, I'm still setting his house on fire." Lando grabbed his car keys. 

"LANDO NO!" You yelled chasing after your brother as he strutted out the door. 



Sorry it's short ;(

for those of you who didn't see my post on my profile wall, I stopped writing for a bit because a close friend was in a bad state in the hospital and I wasn't in the right mind space to write despite sitting down and trying. 

Thankfully I got better news today about their progress which kind of inspired me to write some and those of you who follow me on Tumblr saw I posted a story there as well ;) 

Anyways thank you for your patience ;)

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