Oh Honey II Lando Norris

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Being pregnant was definitely not as fun as you had seen in the movies. Of course, you'd read extensively about all the challenges you could face during pregnancy but you always thought it wouldn't be as bad, always being good with dealing with pain and emotions but obviously life had to prove you wrong. 

Pregnancy had been really hard for you from making you incredibly emotional, to super moody, terribly exhausted, and very unsociable. The worst part of it was the person who was your biggest support, your husband Lando was the person who saw all the worst bits of the pregnancy also on the receiving end of your worst moods. 

Lando tries not to take anything to heart because he can't begin to understand what growing a human does to you and he knows you don't mean half of what you say since most of the time you end up crying and apologizing to him afterward, he just wished somehow he could take your spot to stop you from being in so much physical and emotional pain.

But then there was a breakthrough, a week that seemed like it wasn't toling on you as much, where Lando managed to convince you to go out with him to a club, something you hadn't done in several months because 1 you obviously couldn't drink, but 2 you couldn't really bare to stand on your feet and 3 a club is certainly not a place for a pregnant woman. But before getting pregnant it was something you loved to do, not to get drunk but you loved the loudness of it all, the way you could feel the music through your whole body, dancing, socializing it was an escape for you. 

You only agreed because Lando reassured you he'd reserved a closed-off table with security and no one would be getting near you as well as the fact that it was a nonsmoking club. But things didn't go as straightforward as you expected, only having your old club dresses putting them on, and seeing the tight fits that show your stomach and swollen breasts makes you feel disgustingly insecure.

Lando notices the frustration and tears building up as you spend so long looking in the mirror after trying on what felt like the 300th dress, to him, you look absolutely perfect but he knew you wouldn't believe him. You try taking deep breaths trying not to cry out of frustration because you really want a night out with Lando again.

"You're a superwoman." Lando breathes into your ear.

"Why?" You force a smirk as he wraps his arms around you, placing his hands above your pregnant belly and rubbing it up and down.

"Because you're growing a human inside you, it hasn't been easy yet you still manage to look breathtakingly gorgeous." he kissed your cheek.

You couldn't help but blush at his words, you knew he was trying to make you feel better, and it worked. You turn around cupping his face in your hands as he lets his hands rest on your lower back. "I love you you know that." I gave him a short kiss.

"Not more than I love you that's for sure." He smirked leaning down to pull me back into a deeper kiss.

"Should we go?" I asked once he pulled out of the kiss.


You arrive at the club and Lando had invited some of the quadrant team with you, you sat beside Lando, Ria, Max, and Steve there with you, they all had a few drinks but out of consideration for you, none of them went over the top because they ultimately also wanted to keep an eye out for you. Luckily the bar served mocktails so you were able to have a few of those to calm your FOMO.

Lando began getting recognized and after a few minutes, several girls tried to get past security but many failed until there were two girls apparently influencers who were gentler with their approach. you knew Max and Steve wanted to have fun and take a girl home at the end of the night so you reluctantly accepted their request and they joined your table making casual conversation with everyone. 

"I'm gonna go to the loo and get more drinks." Lando walked off. 

"So who's your baby daddy?" One of the girls asked pointing at your stomach.

From the get-go, you could tell this girl had ill intentions since she kept staring at you and Lando throughout the evening, more so Lando with a look you recognized all too well. "My boyfriend," you replied faking a smile and pointing at Lando who was waiting for your drinks at the bar.

When she turned Ria and you shared a look as if thinking the same thing, she was bad news. "Oh, right. He seems sweet." she giggled.

"Yeah...he is," you replied adding the same giggle, laced with sarcasm.

Steve and Max just then started noticing the tension. "We'll go help Lando with the drinks" Max nervously shuffled away, Steve behind him.

Ria and you rolled your eyes but laughed at their behavior.

As soon as the boys were out of earshot the girl turned back to you. "Hey I like your boyfriend and you're probably not able to satisfy him right now... and well by the way he's been looking at girls all night it seems he'll need some soon. So why don't I do you a favor...woman to woman, and I can satisfy him for you, make sure he's looked after and doesn't get away from you." She winked faking compassion. 

Ria spat out her drink looking at her in shock, She was about to get up but you stopped her from doing whatever she planned to.

You started laughing. "Oh, Honey." You sighed. "Desperation is not a good look on you...trust me, satisfying him is not a problem, I'm like this because he wasn't able to pull out." You placed a hand over your stomach. "But if you don't trust me why don't you ask him-" you said as Lando and the boys approached the table.

By the look in Lando's eyes, you could tell Max and Steve had told him something was happening. He sat beside you again wrapping his arm around your waist.

"What's going on?" Lando asked. 

"Nothing." The girl tried to be dismissive.

"Oh, why be so quiet all of a sudden dear? I can tell him myself..." You turned to Lando  "Babe she seems to think I'm not satisfying you enough ever since our night when this happened." you pointed at your stomach. "So she kindly offered herself to do the job...since you've been eyeing other girls in the club according to her." I tried to hold back my laughter as I saw her face of panic and embarrassment, her friend showing the same expression except she ran away leaving her friend behind.

Lando started laughing, and Max and Steve tried stifling a laugh which in turn made Ria and you laugh. 

"I'm sure you told her the reason I'm becoming a daddy in the first place." Lando laughed. "And damn..." he bit his lip eying you up and down. "this pregnant momma has no problem at all satisfying my needs." he shook his head snapping out of his dirty thoughts. "Besides-" he turned back to the girl who was trying to scurry away. "Even if I was single...I wouldn't even spare you a glance, so why don't you do us a favor and run off to find your...friend?" Lando suggested. 

The girl rolled her eyes but ultimately did as suggested running off into the mass of people. 

Everyone began laughing at what had happened, Lando and you sharing a look of amusement. "Thank you, baby." You smirked feeling a revoked sense of self-confidence. 

"I mean it...you're such a hot MILF." He whispered into your ear making you blush. 

"Wanna head home?" You suggested biting your lip and now eyeing him up and down suggestively. 

You could see the lust fill his eyes. "I'm taking her home, see you guys later." Lando didn't wait another second holding your hand and pulling you out of the club with him, still being protective of you and your bump. It was going to be a long night. 

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