It's you (P1) II Pierre Gasly

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You sat on the plane, your leg shaking nervously at what the next few hours could look like. Having so much time without a thing to do felt unfamiliar now so you were left with nothing else to think about but that damn fight. 

"You need to take a break, go out with me just for dinner." Pierre tried to convince you yet again. 

You understood him, you really did and you felt horrible at the way you'd been giving him little to none of your attention these past few months, you could admit you'd been a terrible girlfriend lately but trying to complete your final exams of your medical board was harder than he'd ever understand. 

"Pierre just 2 exams left please, 2 exams then we can do whatever you want this is just extremely important Pierre I need to make sure this is all 100% imbedded in my brain."  You tried to get him to understand as you pointed at the huge books and piles of papers around you. 

"This isn't healthy y/n you've been locked in these walls for months now, I've been understanding, you haven't been to any of my races this year and I haven't complained, all I'm asking is for one fucking dinner." His words were laced with hurt and annoyance. 

"Pierre please." You didn't know what else to say, he just didn't get it. 

"What the fuck is the point anymore?" He questioned. 

"I know I've been horrible to you Pierre but please, just 2 more exams, I can't waste any time." You tried to hold back tears. 

"Fine, I'm sorry I'm such a waste of time," Pierre said grabbing his jacket and keys before walking out of your apartment and slamming the door behind him. 

You sat back down frustrated, crying at the fact that you were ruining one of the best parts of your life, doubting whether you'd handled things the right way but also trying to justify yourself with the amount of stress you'd been feeling, why couldn't he understand and just support you through this. 

You hadn't seen Pierre since that night, you'd texted him afterward apologizing but only getting cutting texts from him. You'd finished your medical board exams that following week, completely relieved about this huge weight lifted off your shoulders. 

You'd decided to surprise your boyfriend at the next race weekend, texting his trainer and P.R. manager to let them know of your arrival so they could ensure you a pass for the weekend and also alert the hotel you'd also be needing a room key. 

You'd arrived in the evening so Pierre should have already been in his room according to the schedule you'd been sent. You felt nervous, not knowing what his reaction would be given how things were left between you both the last time you were together, regardless you were prepared to apologize. 

*knock knock knock* you knocked on the door so he wouldn't be scared once you opened the door. 

"Who is that?" You heard him call from around the corner as you entered the room. 

"Baby?" You called out to your boyfriend. 

He appeared from around the corner shirtless, you heard the shower running so you assumed he was about to hop in, you smiled at seeing him again reminded of how much you'd missed him. 

"What are you doing here?" He asked. You couldn't read him, he didn't look sad, he didn't look happy or angry...he looked nervous. 

"Surprise." You shrugged confused as to what to do next, you wanted to go up to him, kiss him, and hug him but his body seemed closed off. 

And then you heard the shower shut off. "Pierre can you pass me a towel!" you heard a girl's voice. 

A knot immediately formed in your throat, your chest tightened and tears immediately welled up in your eyes. 

"Y/n I promise you it's not what it looks like." He tried approaching you. 

"DON'T FUCKING TOUCH ME." You slapped his hand away from you. 

"PIERRE!" You heard her voice again, he turned towards her voice and you took the distraction to walk back out. 

You had no idea where to go, there was actually no Plan B and you were literally in another country but you had to get away from him that's all you knew.

"y/n! Please." You heard Pierre come after you. 

"You know what Pierre if you wanted things to be over you should've told me, would've saved myself the time, pain, and embarrassment." You hissed, you wanted your words to be hurtful maybe that would make him understand the way you felt. 

"It's not what it looks like, I was stressed." He says making you look at him with pure anger in your eyes.

"You were stressed?!" You repeat his words back to him. You were being loud and you knew it but you didn't care. 

"Our relationship was crumbling!" Pierre raised his voice too. 

"y/n?" You looked back and saw Lily had peaked her head from a few rooms down. "You okay?" She asked you. 

You didn't answer her and looked back at Pierre. "I needed time for one of the most important steps in my life and you what? You needed to put your d*ck inside another girl to relieve some stress?" You question him because that's exactly what all of this looked like.

You heard Lily gasp behind you. 

Pierre swallowed his own words, and he realized how that had sounded "y/n no that's not what I meant..." he struggled with his words.

"Pierre is everything okay?" The girl you'd heard had walked out of the room in nothing but a towel. 

"Go to hell Pierre..." you scoff finally walking away from him.

"Come." Lily immediately opened the door for you not hesitating one second. Pierre tried walking to you but Lily had closed the door on his face. 

He could simply hear as you broke into tears inside the room. What the fuck had he done. 



Part 2 is coming out soon calm down ;) 

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