I want my brothers

Start from the beginning

Then I sat down next to my bed.

Maybe it would help and if it didn't I could just take it a bit further and die...

I had cleaned the wounds and wrapped them up, before hiding them under a hoodie.

Then I went to school.

I spent the first lesson staring out of the window instead of paying attention.

The teacher did not like that.

She called me to her desk after the lesson.

"I'm sorry, I-", I immediately wanted to apologize. She just waved at that.

Then she looked me straight in the eyes.

"William, are you alright?", she asked.

I didn't not plan or mean to burst into tears on the spot, but I did.

She nodded slowly.

"I'll call your father.", she then said.

I felt my breathing getting heavy.

"No, please don't call him! I'm alright, it's, it's fine, just don't call my father!", I cried out.

"Boy, please stop crying. I'll call him."

And just like that she did.

Father was very nice when she was there, but as soon as we got in the car I expected him to explode.

He didn't. He was silent, but gripping the weel very tightly.

I could see his knuckles turn white.

At home he immediately slapped me.

"How dare you embarrass our family like that, you useless piece of shit?!", He yelled.

"I'm sorry...", I sobbed out.

"You're such a disgrace."

"Why don't you send me away then? I'm sure uncle Tad will take me in now!" , I suddenly burst out.

"TO YOUR ROOM!", He yelled, red in the face.

I turned around and ran upstairs.

Suddenly I had an idea. I grabbed a suitcase.

That night, I sneaked out, my phone battery full.

The wind pulled at my hair as I made my way through the forest. I had searched up Tads old address and I hoped he would still live there.

I bought a ticket and took the next night train.

PoV Tad
"Tad Strange, who am I talking to?" I yawned into the phone.

"Stanford Gleeful. Has William contacted you?", the man answered.

I choked on my strawberry marmalade bread with honey.

"As far as I recall, you forbid any contact.", I sighed sadly.

"Yeah, well, but has he? " , Stanford asked.

"No, he hasn't. Why are you asking?"

"He ran away last night. I expect him to wind up at your door sometime today.",Stanford said.

"Why did he run away?", I asked shocked.

"None of your business. Just make sure he returns home safely." , then he ended the call.

Bill was staring at me.

"Remember when you said, you found Wills GrammaInst? Contact him.", I demanded.

Bill nodded.

A few hours later the blue haired boy was sitting in my car, staring into nothing.

I sighed deeply.

"Little one...", I sighed.

"I really miss you all. Especially Bill. I miss you so much...", he suddenly said.

I nodded.

"But running away is not a solution. What if someone would've recognized you and tried to hurt you?", I asked.

"I don't care. I just want to be with my actual family...", he sighed, rubbing his arm.

He's been rubbing and pinching that arm awfully often...

"Why do you think you're father and cousins aren't your actual family?", I asked.

"Mason and Mabel always make fun of me for literally anything and father...all he does is hurt me."

I hit the breaks, pulled over at a gas station and parked the car.

"How did he hurt you?", I asked, very much at alarm right there.

"Well, he'd always yell at me and slap me when I do something wrong.", the boy said.

"Does he actually hit you?", I wanted to know.

"Sometimes. He hates me..." , the boy told me.

"What's with your arm? You're pinching and scratching it a lot.", I then asked.

That took him by surprise as he started stammering.

I sighed deeply.

"You know, Till did that too when he was fourteen. He did it, because he was anxious and...and because he cut himself. Did you do that?", I then asked softly.

Will looked away.

I started the car again.

"I thought it would help relieve the pain...", he suddenly spoke up.

I nodded.

"But it doesn't, huh?", I then asked.

"Not really.", he said, pinching again.

I finally spoke up and said:
"Let's get icecream, shall we? Your father can wait."

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