Chapter 30: A new travel buddy

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A/N: Warning mention of Transphobia and Transphobic behavior is in this chapter. Please be cautious if you are not in the right state of mind.

Upon hearing the mysterious voice of the figure, (Y/N) immediately shot up from their sleeping position and shuffled back. Making the other person begin to panic.

"No wait! I'm not gonna hurt you!" The stranger shouted reaching a hand out past the fire.

(Y/N) looked at the mysterious persons hand in surprise. They counted four fingers. So that means who ever this is must be an elf.

Noticing that the child had not moved from their spot, the elf awkwardly retracted their hand and put it behind their neck.

"I uh... just so happen to be in the forest when I heard a bunch of twigs snapping. I looked in the distance and saw you falling down that hill. So I immediately ran to make sure you were okay. But you were unconscious and covered with scratches. So I did my best with the things that were around me  to help patch you up." The stranger gestures to (Y/N)'s arms and legs. While some spots had a strange goo like substance on them. Others had leaves that acted as a bandage.

"I guess... being a Earthblood elf does have some uses." The stranger chuckled, but when (Y/N) didn't offer any response back, the elf coughed.

"Um... let's me introduce myself." The elf inched closer to the fires light. Now getting a better look, they could (Y/N) could tell that the elf was male. With green hair and a more tan skin color. This older earthblood elf was the closest to looking human that (Y/N) had ever seen. Also unlike having blue stripe markings on the face like Runaan. He had more square markings on his chest. He work a pretty basic adventurer outfit with a brown shoulder pad and designs smilies to the ones on his chest, on his shirt.

"Hi, I'm Terry. Short for Terrestrius. I am a Earthblood elf, What's yours?"

(Y/N) stared at the Terry for a moment. Not sensing any sort of malice from him, (Y/N) finally decided to answer back.

"My name is (Y/N). I am a startouch elf." (Y/N) said, the foreign phrase feeling weird on their tongue.

Terry smiled, finally getting a response, "Wow. I never seen a startouch elf before. This is amazing and you have great name. I see it matches the one on your necklace." (Y/N) looked down at the necklace and smiled.

"Yeah, my father gave me this necklace."

"Wow that's really cool. But where is he now? Did you lose track of him and that's why you were frantically running around before?"

(Y/N)'s smile immediately disappeared which Terry quickly took notice of and once again began to panic, "Um... but it's okay. I'll help you find him."

"He's not here." (Y/N) responded, taking Terry out of his panic state.

"Oh I'm sorry, well at least he is in a better place."

(Y/N)'s eyes shot up, "He's not dead."

Terry's skin grew darker at the comeback, "Oh then where is he?"

(Y/N) began to frantically think about what response to say. They couldn't reveal too much but they couldn't be too vague or else Terry would just ask more questions.

Now it's (Y/N)'s turn to panic, "Um... he's being held somewhere and I need to talk to the Dragon Queen to help get him out."

Terry stared at (Y/N) dumbfounded, "The Dragon Queen. Like the ruler of all the dragons. The one that lives in Stormspire."

"Um.... Yes."

"Wow. Your dad must have done something pretty awful that you need the dragon queen to help you." Terry chuckled.

(Y/N)'s eyebrows furrowed as they stood up in anger, "He didn't do anything bad. It's just that people think he is a bad guy when he isn't. He's just misunderstood!" (Y/N)'s slapped their purple hand over their mouth when they finished. Feeling guilty for the sudden shout in anger, (Y/N) turned their head in shame before sitting back down.

"Sorry." The child mumbled.

Seeing (Y/N) in the pitiful state, Terry gently placed his hand on the child's shoulders, "Hey. It's okay. I understand how it feels. For the world to be against even though you know what you are doing is right."

(Y/N) looked towards the elf to elaborate. Terry took a deep breath before continuing, "I knew I was a buck even though everyone else thought I was a doe. Overtime the others in my village grew to dislike me, so I ran off. Terrestrius was the name I came up with. Which means Earth and Land."

(Y/N) could see the hurt in Terry's eyes as he recalled the awful memories of what he had to go through to become who he was today. They gently placed their hand on the other male's hand that was not on their shoulder.

"I like that name. It suits you."

(Y/N) smiled as Terry's gaze softened. It almost looked like there were sparkles in his eyes due to compliment.

"Thanks (Y/N)." Terry said before looking back down at the child's makeshift bandages, "Here let's get you cleaned up." 

The older male wordlessly lead the child to a near by river.  Grabbing a piece of cloth from inside his pocket, Terry soaked the cloth in water before gently placing it on where the goo  that was used to heal (Y/N) were. 

Once he finished scrubbing, the goo would be gone as well as any sort of scar or scratch.  The same thing would happen to wounds under the leaves that were wrapped around them."Woah! That is so cool. What is that stuff?" (Y/N) marveled.

"It's whatever is around me. Being a Earthblood elf you can feel the earth on a whole different level. So you know what certain plants or minerals can be used to heal wounds." Terry then closed his eyes. A green of light began to manifest in his hand. When (Y/N) looked past that they could see green branches of light begin to form all around the elf body similar to veins.

(Y/N) was amazed at the display of magic especially since this was their first encounter with an elf other then a moonshadow or startouch elf.

Terry then closed his four fingered hand cutting off the light show, much to (Y/N)'a disappointment. Then he quickly stood up, "Welp let's go."

(Y/N) tilted their head in confusion, "Go? Go where?"

Terry snickered at the question, "Well to Stormspire of course."

(Y/N) stood up in shock, "What! Wait you don't have to come with me. I don't want to trouble-"

Terry shushed the child while placing one single finger on (Y/N)'s dark lips,"Listen you are what eight or nine? Xadia is a dangerous place for any calf. Especially a little calf that wants to talk to the Queen of Dragons. You are gonna need help. Besides I don't necessarily have anywhere else to go so this maybe fun."

(Y/N) stared at the older male dumbfounded as he removed his finger. But after seeing the very serious expression on Terry's face, the nine year old knew, he was serious.

(Y/N) smiled before gently grabbing the other elf's hand, "Thanks Terry."

The little star (The Dragon Prince x child!reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ