Chapter 13: Snowball fight

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As the two left Corvus behind, Runaan couldn't help but feel sad for the child who just held their necklace and had tears pouring down their face.

As the two walked ahead, the air seemed to get colder and the wind blew harder. The two looked up to see a very steep hill. And with no indication that showed a way to go around the mountain, the only way to go was up.

(Y/N) grew nervous at the sight of the large structure, wondering how it would be possible to climb up that path without growing weak from the constant climbing. Their nerves grew to shock after they felt something grab their arm and lift them into the air.

(Y/N) yelped as they fell onto a hard surface. It wasn't until they saw who had grabbed them did they sigh. Runaan had pulled the child onto his back and wrapped their legs around his waist.

Runaan chuckled,"You okay?"

(Y/N) rubbed their eyes trying to get rid of the remaining tears, "Yeah. But won't I be too heavy for you to carry the both of us?"

Runaan laughed louder, "Don't worry. In order to be an assassin you have to have many skills besides you know killing." The assassin then pulled out two daggers out of their sheathes. He took a deep breath before running and jumping into the air, stabbing the daggers into the rock formation.

Runaan could feel (Y/N)'s heart beat quicken the further they climbed up the mountain. So he decided he needed to distract them, "Hey... I just want to say..."

(Y/N) looked at the elf, "Yes?"

"You did really good back there with that soldier. When I saw you weren't at the camp I looked around before hearing you guys speak. I thought for a moment that you were going to tell him my location. But you didn't and I am really grateful for that." (Y/N) smiled, "But then when I saw him drag you away, I couldn't help but intervene. And what you did with that ice bridge was amazing."

Runaan felt something press against his neck from behind, he stopped his climbing to take a peak and saw (Y/N)'s head pressed against it.

"Thanks Runaan." (Y/N) whispered grip tightening on the elf's torso. Runaan smiled at the affection before continuing his climb further up the mountain.

Runaan did one last heave before jumping onto the top of the steep hill. When the crunch of snow hit his feet, (Y/N) finally looked out from the elf's neck. It was such a stark difference between the grass lands of Katolis to this ice wonderland.

Sure (Y/N), had seen snow but never usually this untouched. (Y/N) stared in awe while Runaan watched the child with amusement before placing the (Y/N) down.

The child walked farther and farther into the piles of snow, gazing at the beautiful view. But stopped when they were hit by something behind them.

(Y/N) turned to see the moonshadow elf, snowball in hand trying to stifle a laugh. (Y/N) smirked, before diving into the snow and grabbing their own ball of snow. "Take that!"

The two then ensued in a snowball fight, so focused on each other that they forgot they were in the cold. Runaan laughed as he ran from the child attempted to throw snow ball after snow ball but kept missing.

Runaan however was making shot after shot which made sense since he does specialize in bow and arrow. The elf fell over from laughing at one point as he had hit (Y/N) with a snowball right in the face and their eye balls were the only things that poked out from the powdered ice.

He was so busy laughing he didn't see when a large round shadow formed over his entire being. It was only when he finally decide to catch his breath did he look up to see the biggest snowball.

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