Chapter 6: First day

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Wanting to do good on their new job, (Y/N) thought the prisoner would be hungry. So they went into the kitchen and grabbed a carafe full of water, an apple, and a jelly tart. After placing them onto a tray, the nine year old carefully descended all the way to the basement and was face to face with the door that held the prisoner. After using the key that their father gave them, (Y/N) very carefully used the key opened the door.

Even though their father said it was okay for them to reveal themselves to the elf. (Y/N)'a heart couldn't help but pound and their hands shaking due to the fear.

They were shaking so much that the items on the tray were shaking along with them. The elf didn't look up right away so (Y/N) could only make out his figure. He looked similar to the young girl elf that (Y/N) saw a couple of days ago but the only difference was this elf was much more well built and had one horn missing. He had long white hair and his left arm was also turning much purple or at least more purple then it already was.

When the elf finally looked up, (Y/N) could see that the elf had markings going cross their nose, kind of like a bandage. His blue eyes were staring at (Y/N) with anger.

(Y/N) gulped before gently sitting down and placing the tray in front of them.

The elf briefly looked at the tray before returning his look of hatred.

(Y/N) began to sweat nervously, "Um... I brought you food. You m-must be hungry."

They brought out a knife to cut the apple. Upon seeing the knife, the elf recoiled.

(Y/N)'s head shot up, "No no no! I'm not gonna use it on you. I just want to cut the apple because it would be hard to eat an entire apple with your hands bound." (Y/N) then began to slice the apple, making sure the elf could see where the knife was at all times. After slicing the apple into several slices (Y/N) held one up towards the elf's mouth.


The elf didn't move, only continued to glare at the human. (Y/N) grew confused at the silence before the realization struck them, "Oh. You probably don't understand me!"

(Y/N) pulled the apple slice back towards them, "YOU BITE IT!" (Y/N) spoke very slowly. They then pretended to bite the apple slice and swallow it, "Yummy yummy."

"I can understand English." The elf suddenly spoke, causing the human to drop the act and the Apple slice. They squirmed a few feet away out of instinct.

The elf let out a soft chuckle, "Don't worry. I can't hurt you. I couldn't even if I wanted to. I'm chained remember?" The elf then moved both his arms allowing the chains the rattle.

Once they realized they were in fact safe, (Y/N) slowly moved in once more, "Right, sorry. I heard that girl elf speak English so it makes se-"

The elf leaned forward the best he could, "Did you say girl elf?"

"Uh? Yeah?"

"Was she young? Short white hair and marks on the corner of her eyes."

(Y/N) nodded. The elf sighed before leaning back against the wall, "You must have seen Rayla, that traitor." He grumbled the last part.

(Y/N) scratched their head, "A traitor? How is she a traitor?"

"Because it was her duty to kill the king and the prince. But sue didn't, she couldn't even kill one measly guard near our camp in the forest and the fact you are still alive after seeing her only proves she is a failure as an assassin." The elf ranted.

(Y/N) didn't really like anything that came out of the elf's mouth so they quickly changed the subject. "Well, that's not good. I guess... but you should really eat."

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