Chapter 16: Talks

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After a night of dancing, both Runaan and (Y/N) finally settled in for the night with the two now fully asleep and next to each other as they slept.
(Y/N) felt comfortable even though this was the first time they were sharing a bed with someone.

The next morning the two woke up to the sound of Lujanne calling the two to come outside for breakfast. (Y/N)'s jaw dropped and began to water at the sight of the beautiful spread of food both familiar and foreign to the child. While the two travelers did have little bits of food Runaan had saved from traveling to Xadia it wasn't going to be enough for two people to share.

(Y/N) zoomed over to the neatly made table before sitting down and diving into what ever was in front of them. Runaan however looked more hesitant to dive into the food.

"You're not hungry?" (Y/N) asked, as Runaan poked a stack of pancakes.

"(Y/N), you do remember what magic Lujanne specializes in right?"

(Y/N) nodded, "Of course. She specializes in illu-"

(Y/N) stopped munching on their pancakes I'm front of them. They grabbed a single cake looked in between the bite they had just taken. Instead of a white spongey fluffy center, it was green and spike.

Lujanne smiled, "I wanted to make your stay as comfortable as possible. So I thought about the food you humans eat for breakfast. But since I don't have any of the ingredients I simply used the resources around me." The mage pointed at the pancakes, "So those aren't really pancakes. It's really just a stack of edible grass I made to look like pancakes."

Lujanne waved her hand, and that seemed to reverse the illusion spell because it revealed that the delicious table of breakfast was nothing more than sticks, grass, and even bugs.

(Y/N), although they wanted to vomit, swallowed the remaining grass in their mouth. "I see. Well thanks anyway, Lujanne."

The female moonshadow elf nodded, "Of course. No problem at all."

While the two were conversing Runaan was trying his best not to burst into laughter from the child's clear disgust and the mage's naiveness.

Finally he cleared his throat, "Well after that lovely breakfast. I think it's time to continue on our way to Xadia."

"Oh? You are going as well. That's odd, you are the second group of people consisting of both human and elf that are traveling back to Xadia." Lujanne jumped as the human and elf leaned towards her.

"A human and elf!"

"What did they look like?!"

"Was it a female elf and two male humans?"

"Did they have anything with them?!"

"Such as a huge glowing egg perhaps?!"

As the two frantically asked more questions, Lujanne had to lean further and further back. Finally having enough, the mage pushed the two back.

"Okay. Slow down. But to answer your questions,    yes they were two human males and one female elf. They were all young, the humans were stepbrothers. The older one having white sling short brown hair and wearing blue clothing. While his younger brother had tan skin, freckles and curly brown hair."

Lujanne used her magic to create life like illusions of the princes she was describing.

(Y/N) gasped, "Those are their princes!"

"As for the moonshadow elf girl. Well she looked like a moonshadow elf but with long white hair and purple markings that went from the corners of her eyes down to her cheek."

The little star (The Dragon Prince x child!reader)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum